Namaste, Anna Nicole Smith

It is sad but, poignantly, not altogether shocking to report that Anna Nicole Smith (seen at left with her late son Daniel) was pronounced dead today in Hollywood, Florida, at 3:45 PM. A full analysis of transits to Anna's astrological chart will follow soon.
As readers of CelebAstroBlogy will recall, warning signs were evident both in Anna's horoscope and her habits. Just a couple of months ago, an analysis of her transit chart turned up disturbing hints of a troubling escapist mentality:
All I'm saying is that transiting Neptune has been squaring Anna Nicole's Mercury for many moons now, and there is definitely an escapist mentality dominating her consciousness, or rather semiconsciousness. Anna appears to be looking to blot out reality or already living in a dream world. With Saturn squaring Neptune, further reality checks could be handed to Anna Nicole if she doesn't get her act together and take her own initiative to get back in touch with the real world. That said, if a hospitalization, possible deportation and above all her son Daniel's death don't serve as wake-up calls, I'm not sure what will. {Full story}
TMZ reports that Anna Nicole was already dead by the time paramedics arrived on the scene to bring her to the hospital { Source}, so the official time of death does not actually reflect the moment her spirit left the world. If any readers find details pointing to the precise moment Anna may have passed, please email me or post a comment. (And please spare me your hate mail telling me I'm a creepy ghoul. The goal here is to gain some insight, not to rubberneck, okay?)
Namaste, Anna Nicole.
Related: • Astrology and the Anna Nicole Saga, Part III: Neptune and Anna's Hospitalization (11/01/06) • Astrology and the Anna Nicole Saga, Part II: Anna's Baby Daughter's Birth Chart (10/18/06) • Astrology and the Anna Nicole Saga, Part I: Daniel Smith's Birth Chart (10/16/06)
Find more web pages about: Anna Nicole Smith ~ Howard K. Stern ~ Daniel Smith ~ Astrology ~ Celebs ~ Celebrity ~ Celebrities
Labels: Anna Nicole Smith, Howard K. Stern
Watching the NBC nightly news, and the Broward County Sheriff said she died at 2:49pm. Hope this helps.
Reader T
PS-Thanks for covering the all awesome OZ, who was so Zen and Philosphical on Buffy.
Thanks so much T!
It seems like the accounts conflict so far. CNN says she was taken to the hospital at 2:10 PM:
So if the paramedic said she was dedad when they got there ... It might be that we never know the exact time...
kittytaurus, can you please make a update about britney. is she finally on the right track?
Believe me, I was all over the Britney breakup before this story broke. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who hasn't given up on our girl!! Especially after what happened to Anna I'm praying Britney turns it around. Stay tuned, and thanks for helping motivate me :)
In the latest issue of People (Yes, I am a shameless subscriber) Fire & rescue arrived at the Hotel at 1:45pm when Smith was already unconcious. Hope this helps. Thanks for letting me know about Danilynn's chart.
Reader T
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