Justin Timberlake: Out of the Frying Pan Face, Into the Fire Sign

Yes, dear readers, of course I was overjoyed to learn that Justin Timberlake had finally, once and for all, dumped Cameron Diaz. But I was frustrated and dismayed that he appears to have already moved on to a certain overrated, bee-stung Sagittarius vixen named Scarlett Johansson. A glimpse at their charts reassured me that this rebound fling is a mere detour on J.T.'s path to eternal happiness with his one true love, Britney Spears.
Granted, Scarlett does share her fiery Sun sign with our Britney. But her Sagittarius Sun is nowhere near a conjunction with Justin's Sag Moon. And Scarlett's possessive Scorpio Moon is the last thing Justin needs after clingy Cameron. His detached Aquarian nature will recoil from any Scorp-Moon machinations Scarlett may try to pull. With Scarlett's out-of-sign Sun-Moon conjunction hovering on Justin's Uranus, he will be ready to break free at the slightest hint of her trying to control him. ~ See Justin Timberlake's birth chart (Astrotheme) ~ See Scarlett Johansson's birth chart (Vega Attractions)
I'll allow that the communication between these two is good given her Sun's square to his Mercury. With her Mercury on his nebulous Moon-Neptune and his Mercury on her mystiquey Pisces Ascendant, they have the sense of sharing a deep psychic connection ... even if that perception may be illusory.
But frankly, for two sex symbols, there don't seem to be too many sparks flying between them. There may be a cerebral connection with those Mercury aspects, but as far as sexual tension, her Mars in detached Aquarius' loose conjunction to his Sun is about it. Not very passionate, this pair.
So rest assured, gentle readers, I don't foresee this coupling lasting long. There is still plenty of time for Justin to fulfill his destiny and reunite with Britney in 2008!
Related: • Justin Dumps Cameron: I Totally Called It! (6/24/06) • Update: Cameron Confirmed to Be a Controlling Virgo (3/25/06) • Justin and Cameron: Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! (3/9/06)
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Labels: Cameron Diaz, Celebrity Couples, Justin Timberlake, Scarlett Johansson