TomKat Sets a Wedding Date

At last the bizarro blessed union of TomKat
is set to become legal! The creepy cute couple has set a date to wed,
on November 18 in Italy. {Source}
While I have certainly doubted whether
Tom Cruise would ever make an honest woman of Katie Holmes,
I am extremely intrigued to check out the chart for this surreal joyful
Mind you, without an exact time and location, it is possible to characterize a wedding chart only in very broad strokes. It goes without saying that this post is a preliminary one that will be followed up once TomKat releases more details about the ceremony, after and possibly even before the fact. But even with just a date to go from, there are some quite interesting aspects hinting at the future dynamic of this marriage.
I cast a chart for November 18, 2006 in Rome, Italy (based on reports, denied by the couple, that they may wed in a castle near Rome {Source}; anyway, the exact coordinates don't make a vital diff without a time). On this date, the Sun is in late Scorpio, and depending on the time of the marriage, the Moon could either be in Libra, or in Scorpio as well.
The Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio in the wedding chart forms an out-of-sign conjunction with Venus in Sagittarius, which actually sounds like a pretty sweet configuration for a wedding chart, with a joyful, loving emphasis on uniting and growing together. But this conjunction squares Saturn, which brings in intimations of control or repression. There is a paternal, restrictive aspect to Saturn; astrologers selecting an auspicious wedding chart will typically seek to neutralize its influence as much as possible. Here, its shadow looms rather large. Suri is not the only one in the household with a strong father figure.
Saturn is also trine Pluto, an aspect that has been and will continue to be in effect for months between the two slow-moving planets. Ruler of the four Scorpio planets in the chart, Pluto sets a tone of intensity. There are definitely unseen depths to this marriage. The Saturn-Pluto trine could suggest someone pulling the strings from behind the stage.
Also notable in the wedding chart: Mercury (and Mars, loosely) is trine Uranus. Both Mercury and Uranus are stationary direct, with the former having just completed its retrograde period and the latter wrapping it up. Information is flowing through the channels of communication, but there are a lot of mixed signals, unexpected leaks and dropped calls. For a couple that has alternately courted and shunned media attention, this aspect is interesting. As a married couple, they may seek to flow information out to the public only to find that they have unwittingly opened the floodgates and cannot control what comes pouring out.
Again, the picture will come into clearer focus after the ceremony, the time of which will, hopefully, be released so we can look at the exact wedding chart. A Scorpio Moon could be very revealing in terms of the aspect of secrecy, if that's not completely contradictory. Anyway, stay tuned!
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Labels: Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise