Saturday, November 11, 2006

TomKat Sets a Wedding Date

At last the bizarro blessed union of TomKat is set to become legal! The creepy cute couple has set a date to wed, on November 18 in Italy. {Source} While I have certainly doubted whether Tom Cruise would ever make an honest woman of Katie Holmes, I am extremely intrigued to check out the chart for this surreal joyful event.

Mind you, without an exact time and location, it is possible to characterize a wedding chart only in very broad strokes. It goes without saying that this post is a preliminary one that will be followed up once TomKat releases more details about the ceremony, after and possibly even before the fact. But even with just a date to go from, there are some quite interesting aspects hinting at the future dynamic of this marriage.

I cast a chart for November 18, 2006 in Rome, Italy (based on reports, denied by the couple, that they may wed in a castle near Rome {Source}; anyway, the exact coordinates don't make a vital diff without a time). On this date, the Sun is in late Scorpio, and depending on the time of the marriage, the Moon could either be in Libra, or in Scorpio as well.

The Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio in the wedding chart forms an out-of-sign conjunction with Venus in Sagittarius, which actually sounds like a pretty sweet configuration for a wedding chart, with a joyful, loving emphasis on uniting and growing together. But this conjunction squares Saturn, which brings in intimations of control or repression. There is a paternal, restrictive aspect to Saturn; astrologers selecting an auspicious wedding chart will typically seek to neutralize its influence as much as possible. Here, its shadow looms rather large. Suri is not the only one in the household with a strong father figure.

Saturn is also trine Pluto, an aspect that has been and will continue to be in effect for months between the two slow-moving planets. Ruler of the four Scorpio planets in the chart, Pluto sets a tone of intensity. There are definitely unseen depths to this marriage. The Saturn-Pluto trine could suggest someone pulling the strings from behind the stage.

Also notable in the wedding chart: Mercury (and Mars, loosely) is trine Uranus. Both Mercury and Uranus are stationary direct, with the former having just completed its retrograde period and the latter wrapping it up. Information is flowing through the channels of communication, but there are a lot of mixed signals, unexpected leaks and dropped calls. For a couple that has alternately courted and shunned media attention, this aspect is interesting. As a married couple, they may seek to flow information out to the public only to find that they have unwittingly opened the floodgates and cannot control what comes pouring out.

Again, the picture will come into clearer focus after the ceremony, the time of which will, hopefully, be released so we can look at the exact wedding chart. A Scorpio Moon could be very revealing in terms of the aspect of secrecy, if that's not completely contradictory. Anyway, stay tuned!

Birthday Predictions for Tom Cruise: Wedding On or Off? (7/4/06)
Does Suri Cruise Really Exist? (6/22/06)
Just How Screwed Up Will Suri Cruise Be? (4/21/06)
Whither TomKat? (2/17/06)
No, Really, What's Up With Katie's Belly? (1/23/06)

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Celeb Birthdays: November 11

These celebs were born on the lucky date of 11/11.

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio, who I have to say has exited his post-teen-heartthrob fat-face stage and is looking damn fine lately, is 32. See Leonardo DiCaprio's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Artist Jon B. also turns 32 today.

The Wu-Tang Clan's U-God is 36.

Queer Eye's Carson Kressley is 37.

Disturbingly thin and reclusive actress Calista Flockhart is 42. See Calista Flockhart's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Actress and younger-man-snagging inspiration to mature women everywhere Demi Moore is 44. See Demi Moore's birth chart (Astrotheme) ~ Read about Demi Moore's relationship with Ashton Kutcher and baby rumors

Editrix Jane Pratt is also 44. I still miss the O.G. Sassy.

Bald actor Stanley Tucci is 46. I'm sorry, I'm sure he'd prefer that "bald" not be the go-to descriptor, but that is the only adjective that comes to mind.

XTC's Andy Partridge and rocker Marshall Crenshaw both turn 53 today.

Girl, Interrupted author Susanna Kaysen, who went to my high school (when she had her breakdown, I might add), is 58. See Susanna Kaysen's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Author Carlos Fuentes is 78. See Carlos Fuentes' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Celeb Birthdays: November 8-10

Sorry for the lapse in posts, peeps! I have been busy dancing in the streets, for I am riding a wave of jubilation at the dawning of a new day in America. With the simultaneous ousting of the Republican Congress and Kevin Federline, it appears that our nation is finally back on the right track. Truly, we have turned a corner. Jaia Ganesha! Anyway, here are the Scorpio celebs who have been celebrating birthdays for the past few days.

• November 8

Heavy metal scion Jack Osbourne is 22. See Jack Osbourne's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Harry Potter actor Chris Rankin is 24.

Actress Azura Skye, who was excellent in the Buffy episode "Conversations with Dead People" even if Season 7 sucked overall, turns 26 today. See Azura Skye's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Train wreck Tara Reid is 32. See Tara Reid's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Actress Gretchen Mol is 35.

Indie queen Parker Posey is 39. See Parker Posey's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Courtney Thorne-Smith, who will forever be Allison on Melrose Place to me, hits 40 today. See Courtney Thorne-Smith's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

British chef Gordon Ramsay is 41.

Train wreck Leif Garrett is 46. See Leif Garrett's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Singer-songwriter Rickie Lee Jones is 53. See Rickie Lee Jones' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Cryogenically preserved Entertainment Tonight fembot Mary Hart is 57. See Mary Hart's birth chart (Astrotheme)

In contrast, the organically aged Bonnie Raitt is still gorgeous at 58. See Bonnie Raitt's birth chart (Astrotheme)

60 Minutes man Morley Safer is 76.

Singer Patti Page, who is evidently still alive, hits 80 today. See Patti Page's birth chart (Astrotheme)

• November 9

Chipmunk-faced TRL host Vanessa Minnillo, 27, shares a birthday with her squeeze Nick Lachey, 34. Gentle readers, do you care about this couple? Let me know and I'll write something up if so. See Vanessa Minnillo's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) ~ See Nick Lachey's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

"Thong Song" singer Sisqó is 29. Man, I loved that song.

Self-proclaimed rocker Uncle Kracker is 33.

Corin Tucker of Sleater-Kinney and Gray's Anatomy actor Eric Dane both turn 35 today.

Female rap pioneers Sandra "Pepa" Denton and Roxanne Shanté share a 38th birthday.

The Hulk himself, Lou Ferrigno, is 56. See Lou Ferrigno's birth chart (Astrotheme)

• November 10

Actress Heather Matarazzo is 24. See Heather Matarazzo's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Rapper Eve is 28. See Eve's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Teetering-on-the-verge-of-train-wreck actress Brittany Murphy is 29. See Brittany Murphy's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Rapper Warren G. is 36.

Figure skater Jenni Meno is 36. Now that rhyme and reason have been restored to the universe, surely a second season of Skating with Celebrities cannot be far off!

Gray's Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo is 37. See Ellen Pompeo's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

The man who contributed the word "budonkadonk" to our cultural lexicon, Tracy Morgan, turns 38 today. See Tracy Morgan's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Actor Michael Jai White is 39.

Actress Mackenzie Phillips is 47. See Mackenzie Phillips's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Self-proclaimed comedian Sinbad hits 50 today.

Musical maven Ann Reinking is 57.

Newsman Aaron Brown is 58. See Aaron Brown's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Cheesetastic lyricist Tim Rice is 62. See Tim Rice's birth chart (Astrotheme)

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Britney Divorces Kevin! The World Makes Sense Again!

How long I have dreamed of this day. I can scarcely believe this joyous event has come to pass, much less astrologically analyze it with any objectivity. My beloved, bodacious angel, Britney Spears, has filed for divorce from the no-talent, gold-digging, low-capris-wearing, indiscriminately inseminating piece of white trash she inexplicably chose to call a husband, Kevin Federline. {Source} Jaia Ganesha!!!

Britney, baby, I just know this is a new day for you. Sure, you were in a bad relationship, you let yourself go, but now that you've kicked K-Fed to the curb, you're already looking fiercer than we've seen you in eons. {Source ~ Source}(Okay, the picture at right is old, but isn't it an inspirational reminder of the glory days?)

In Britney's horoscope, change has been brewing for some time. See Britney Spears' birth chart (Astrotheme) Back in May, I wrote:

...Britney has Pluto sextiling its natal position, passing over her Neptune, and squaring her 12th-house Mars. This represents a time of transformation during which she sees the truth about her illusions come to light, and makes profound changes in her sometimes self-destructive M.O. (Mars in the 12th house).... Jupiter ... will make its last conjunction to Kevin's Uranus in mid-September (which could well be around the baby's actual birth date, considering how celebs like to pad their due dates). It's quite possible he could hang on till then in his basement lair, lurking in the corners of Britney's life. But Pluto has a way of unearthing the truth, and it won't be long before our beloved Britney sees the light about her marriage. {Full story}

Now, as retrograde Uranus draws toward a station in square to Britney's Sun, she is itching to break free of the confines of her current identity, perhaps shocking the world with a whole new persona. To feel vital and true to herself now, Britney needs to change. It may be scary and unsettling to shake up the status quo and take a sharp left turn on her life path, but this might be just what Britney needs to clear away stale psychic energy and find her center again.

Kevin, meanwhile, is going through a hugely momentous life shift: his first Saturn return, a time of reckoning and new responsibilities, when a person transitions into adulthood and reaps the consequences—for better or worse—of his or her work toward achieving maturity thus far. See Kevin Federline's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

The Saturn return is kind of like a cosmic midterm exam. And I think we can all guess how well K-Fed does on standardized tests. The divorce as well as the dismal response to his fledgling "career" as a "musical" "artist" (which, one suspects, may well have been the last straw for Britney, as she was finally confronted with a realistic assessment of his nonexistent breadwinner potential) suggests that Kevin has spent less time learning lessons from the universe than he has partying in Vegas.

Along with signifying adult responsibilities, Saturn also represents the father principle, and Kevin is being called to account for his parenting skills as much as anything else. Britney is seeking sole custody in the divorce petition, and it's hard to imagine Kevin fighting for the right to be encumbered by his kids on weekends when he could be out partying. But for an overgrown child of a man like Kevin, Saturn can come down pretty hard with the old reality check. He may be stunned to find out how difficult life on his own is, without the safety net of Britney's fame and money.

With Mercury and Venus on his Uranus, news of the divorce may have already come as a shock to him. Now, as Saturn gets set to station and turn retrograde just minutes away from its position in Kevin's natal chart, he has a rough road ahead. He will have to go back and make up for lost time in learning the lessons of adulthood and parenthood he should have been working on all along.

So, it looks like K-Fed's long-awaited and richly deserved slide into obscurity has begun ... and with it Britney's imminent resurgence to fame and fabulosity. She'll be starting 2007 on a high note, receptive to receiving new blessings from the universe as Jupiter conjuncts her Sun. Our original-flava Britney is back and ready to reclaim her one true love, Justin Timberlake, from the clutches of old Frying-Pan-Face Diaz. Man, between this and the Democrats retaking the House, I might just start to regain faith that there is some sense to the universe.

shirts with Britney's sentiment: Baby Shirt see more styles

Related: UPDATE: Britney's Baby's Real Name and Birth Chart (10/26/06) Sutton Pierce Federline's Natal Chart (9/24/06) Is Britney Finally Done With Kevin? (5/31/06) Britney Spears, Serial Mom (5/10/06) Britney: Baby One More Time? (4/29/06) Sweet Jesus, Is Britney Pregnant Again?! (3/8/06) Britney in Retrograde (2/16/06) Britney in the Breakdown Lane? (2/8/06)

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Celeb Birthdays: November 7

Don't forget to vote! Yes, elections everywhere are likely to be fraught with error and corrupt misdealings due to retrograde Mercury about to converge with the Sun (and Venus) in Scorpio. (There are already reports of glitches, big shock.) But as Gandhi said, "Whatever you do may be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." So you should vote anyway, and then work to expose the hidden machinations of the power structure when they steal your vote.

Anyhoo, we've got a sparse celebrity crop today, albeit with one personal highlight.

Twin D-list actors Jeremy and Jason London turn 34 today.

Super Size Me star-director-guinea pig Morgan Spurlock, on whom I have a huge crush, turns 36 today. I loves me a man with some sideburns and/or a social conscience, and he is the total package. That said, his wife is totally adorable and I am totally happy for them. Sigh.

Recent Brady groom Christopher Knight and Madonna ex Jellybean Benítez both turn 49 today.

Rather frightening "comedienne" Judy Tenuta hits 50 today. You can bet she would not warrant mention if there were anyone good born today. Besides Morgan, of course.

Don't expect me to fawn all over Joni Mitchell, who turns 63 today. Not only do I hate folk music with a fiery passion, but she insulted Madonna and therefore is dead to me. See Joni Mitchell's birth chart (Astrotheme)

'60s rocker Johnny Rivers is 64. Again, would not normally warrant mention. See Johnny Rivers' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Opera singer Joan Sutherland hits 80, which really would not normally warrant mention. See Joan Sutherland's birth chart (Astrotheme)

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Celeb Birthdays: November 6

These Scorpios share their birthday with my friend and astro-colleague Daisy. Many happy returns!

Actress and self-proclaimed rocker Taryn Manning is 28. See Taryn Manning's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Richard Linklater muse Wiley Wiggins turns 30 today.

Actress Thandie Newton, pictured at left in Crash with my boyfriend Matt Dillon, turns 34 today. She is, as my partner in crime MQ would say, Gorgey von Gorgerton. Now, it's not that I don't adore Angelina Jolie as much as the next guy, but come on, Thandie should clearly be playing Mariane Pearl. It's frankly a little ridiculous for Angie to bogart that role. Because, you know, there are so many great parts out there for black actresses, and it's so hard for Angelina to find work. See Thandie Newton's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) ~ Read CelebAstroBlogy's startlingly accurate Oscar prediction for Crash

Model/actress-ish Rebecca Romijn, whom some would also consider Gorgey von Gorgerton although she just seems kind of wooden and lumbering to me, and is such a weird couple-fit with the fat kid from Stand by Me, also turns 34 today. See Rebecca Romijn's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Actor, self-proclaimed author and sporadic Richard Linklater muse Ethan Hawke is 36. See Ethan Hawke's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Kelly Rutherford, who played the prostitute that Michael fell in love with during Melrose Place: The Later, Sucky Years, turns 38 today.

Actor Peter DeLuise and '80s R&B flash-in-the-pan Pebbles are both hitting 40 today.

Living Colour's Corey Glover is 42.

The Daily Show's out-and-proud film critic, Frank DeCaro, is 44.

Whatever happened to Lori Singer of Fame fame? Not to mention Footloose? Anyway, she turns 49 today. See Lori Singer's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Court TV's Catherine Crier is 52.

The Eagles' Glenn Frey is 58. See Glenn Frey's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Onetime teen queen Sally Field hits 60 today. I'm sure if I were older, that would make me feel old. See Sally Field's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Director Mike Nichols is 75. See Mike Nichols' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Celeb Birthdays: November 5

Traitorous baseball player Johnny Damon is 33.

Radiohead's Jonathan Greenman is 35. See Jonathan Greenman's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Actor Sam Rockwell is 38. See Sam Rockwell's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Actress-ish Famke Janssen is 41.

Actor Tim Blake Nelson is 42.

Dropped-off-the-face-of-the-earth actress Tatum O'Neal is 43. See Tatum O'Neal's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Actress Tilda Swinton is 46, and quite possibly an alien. See Tilda Swinton's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Canadian rocker-turned-balladeer Bryan Adams is 47. See Bryan Adams's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

T2 himself, creepy-eyed actor Robert Patrick, is 48. See Robert Patrick's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Actress-comedienne Mo Gaffney is also 48.

Actor-playwright Sam Shepard is 63. See Sam Shepard's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Second fiddle Art Garfunkel is 65. See Art Garfunkel's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Actress Elke Sommer is 66.

Musician/worst spouse ever Ike Turner is 75. Check out that cardinal T-square between Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. See Ike Turner's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

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