Is Christina Aguilera Pregnant?

Rumors are swirling that Christina Aguilera is pregnant, and TMZ reports that she and hubby Jordan Bratman were recently sighted at "NY's Maternal Fetal Medicine Association -- a practice known for their expertise in high-risk pregnancies and state-of-the-art ultrasounds." {Source} What does Christina's astrological chart have to say about a possible pregnancy?
In the progressed chart, there are certainly indicators that motherhood is coming to the forefront of Christina's consciousness. Ceres, the asteroid that represents nurturing and is often associated with pregnancy, in mothering Cancer, has moved into an exact opposition to Xtina's natal Mars, and is within three degrees of an opposition to her progressed Sun (while the progressed Sun is a degree and a half away from natal Ceres in Cancer). The progressed Taurus Moon, another signifier of mothering as well as of femininity, is in Christina's progressed 1st house. See Christina Aguilera's birth chart (Astrotheme)
(A note on the Ceres-Mars opposition: masculine-identified Mars rules sexuality, and Xtina's brash, in-your-face sexuality is certainly a major part of her persona. This aspect could suggest that her maternal side is in conflict with the "Dirrty" aspect of her identity.)
Further, in the progressed chart, Jupiter in Libra is sitting right on the 7th house cusp, an indicator that her marriage continues to grow and evolve; with Saturn in Libra also conjuncting the Descendant from the 6th house, their partnership may be about to be tested by a new set of responsibilities and a more intense schedule.
There are also, however, hints that Xtina may have to make some trade-offs if she is going to become a parent, as her career is also highlighted now. Transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius will go stationary direct near her Midheaven in August, then travel through her 10th house until the end of the year, signifying that this is a time of continued career growth and success which may well find her traveling the globe (as she has been on her world tour).
In the progressed chart, Venus in Capricorn on the Midheaven echoes this theme of success and status. Progressed Venus' square to Saturn in the 6th shows this success will come through hard work. Ceres in the 4th house of family and home opposite the Sun in the 10th house hints that her goals for self-advancement could be in direct conflict with her nurturing, maternal urges. When Christina is ready to start a family, she will definitely have to figure out a way to strike a balance. But with that powerful Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Libra, she should be pretty good at that.
As I have previously discussed, Christina seems like she is in a really good place in her life and has a heartwarmingly solid (and sexy) relationship with her husband. I wish them all the best of luck in starting a family!
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Labels: Celebrity Pregnancy, Christina Aguilera