Celeb Birthdays: April 5

Soft-core star and former Clooney arm candy Krista Allen is 36. See Krista Allen's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Cibo Matto singer Miho Hatori is 38.
Two-hit non-wonder Paula Cole hits 40 today. Hopefully she's scraping by on residuals from Dawson's Creek syndication. See Paula Cole's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Pearl Jam's Mike McCready is 42. See Mike McCready's astrological chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Christopher Reid, a.k.a. rapper-actor Kid of "and Play" fame, is 44.
If anyone cares about wrestling, someone named Diamond Dallas Page is 51 today.
Stan Ridgway, frontman for one-hit wonders Wall of Voodoo (you know, "I'm on a Mexican radio, whoa-oa"), is 54.
Actor Mitch Pileggi, a.k.a. Skinner on The X-Files, is 56. See Mitch Pileggi's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
ABBA's Agnetha Fältskog is 57. See Agnetha Fältskog's astrological chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Actor Max Gail of Barney Miller, which I never liked, is 65.
Actor Michael Moriarty of Law & Order: Boring Non-Mariska Unit is 67. See Michael Moriarty's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
B-movie auteur Roger Corman is 82. See Roger Corman's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Someone with the punny name Gale Storm, who evidently used to be very famous, and is still alive, is 86. See Gale Storm's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Birth dates from IMDB.com and/or Wikipedia. Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.
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