Halle Berry's Baby Daughter's Birth Chart

Gentle readers, I know I'm a bit behind on the birthday posts (let me tell you, trying to buy an apartment in NYC is about the biggest time and energy drain ever), but I figured it would be more exciting to post a birth chart for Halle Berry's new baby daughter.
First of all, I must offer many congrats to Halle and Gabriel Aubry! Not only are they two of the most beautiful people on earth (can't wait to see this baby -- she might actually take Shiloh's Cutest Child Ever title!), but it seems that Halle is genuinely happy and settled after suffering ridiculously bad relationship luck, and we all know she has dreamed of motherhood forever, so I have nothing but warm-and-fuzzies for her despite my natural inclination to resent someone so beautiful and successful.
Anyhoo, the Gorgeous Ones' bundle of joy was, according to published reports, born Sunday, March 16, at 10:17 am in Los Angeles. (Thanks much to readers who wrote in with a heads-up, especially the always fabulously input-offering Reader T!) It has now been confirmed that her name is Nahla Ariela Aubrey. {Source} (Apparently Nahla means "honeybee" in Arabic, which I kind of love.) Without further ado, here is her birth chart:
See Nahla Ariela Aubrey's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy)
Certainly an interesting, intense chart with those Venus-Saturn and Mars-Pluto oppositions.
No time/mental energy for a full analysis tonight, but more soon.... (Also, now that J.Lo's twins have been named, I'll be doing their full charts soon.)
Namaste and happy almost astrological New Year!
ETA: For anyone who saw the incorrect birth chart initially posted last night, apologies. I literally opened my eyes this morning with the realization I had forgotten to paste the correct chart into the template (isn't it weird when you suddenly remember you forgot something?) and fixed it.
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Labels: Celebrity Babies, Halle Berry, Nahla Aubrey