Happy birthday to the light of the world, the mother of us all, the beacon
of hope for the future, and the international über-MILF, Ms. Angelina
Jolie, who turns 31 today, although in her shape-shifting Gemini way she
has obviously already lived more lives than most of us. As I have gleaned that
the public seems to have some sort of passing interest in the life and times
of Ms. Jolie, I have decided to mark this momentous day with a reading of Angelina's
birthday horoscope and her forecast for the coming year.
Angelina's solar return chart, a chart cast for the moment when the Sun returns
to the exact zodiac point where it was at the person's birth, shows that the
coming year will see a lot of career activity and (of course) media attention,
but those achievements may pose some conflict with her personal needs and family
life. Like any working mom, Angie will feel pulled in different directions trying
to be all things to all people.
Angelina's natal 10th house (career) comes to the solar return Ascendant, showing
that work will be at the forefront of her life this year. With the solar return
Ascendant conjunct her natal 11th house cusp, her humanitarian work is highlighted
as well, along with her self-consciousness in the media spotlight. (The 11th
house rules social networks, from the global community to the mass media and
Internet.) This theme is echoed by Aquarius on the solar return Midheaven (career
goals). Pursuing her calling this year will be as much about her work with the
U.N. as her work in Hollywood. With solar return Mars on her natal Ascendant,
whatever she does, Angelina will throw herself into it passionately and wholeheartedly.
Angelina's Sun in the 1st house of the solar return chart shows that this year
she will also focus on finding herself and getting to know who she is as a person.
It is important for her to be in touch with her own needs and nurture her personal
growth. The Sun squares the solar return Moon in caretaking Virgo in the 4th
house of motherhood, home and family. And restless Uranus in the 10th house
(again, career) forms a T-square with the Sun and Moon. This is where we see
signs of strain as Angelina juggles the demands of her children, the demands
of the industry and her own personal needs. These different realms of her life
compete with each other for attention, especially for someone who is highly
driven to be the best, and it is safe to say that Angelina does not seem like
the type of person who is happy doing everything half-assed.
A grand cross, or four-way square, is formed in the solar return chart between
Venus in Taurus in the 12th house, the Mars-Saturn conjunction in Leo in the
3rd, Jupiter in Scorpio in the 6th, and Chiron in Aquarius in the 9th. Here
again it seems that the various spheres of her life seem to collide, from her
relationship with Brad (which seems to be taking a back seat, with Venus
hidden in the 12th house) to her own creative expression (Leo in the 3rd) to
the everyday responsibilities of her life (the 6th) to her struggle with celebrity
("wounded healer" Chiron in Aquarius, sign of mass media, in the 9th
house of travel, which depicts the way she uses her fame to get attention for
underprivileged people on distant continents). While the grand cross is a challenging
aspect, the friction generated by these planets could also be a powerful motivating
force. Jupiter's opposition to Venus and square to Mars-Saturn might manifest
as an irrepressible nothing-can-keep-me-down spirit that overcomes all obstacles.
These squares will bring challenges in the coming year, but with her driven,
ambitious, energetic Moon-Mars-Jupiter conjunction on the Aries Midheaven, all
squaring disciplined Saturn, Angelina enjoys pushing herself to be the first,
best and brightest. This year could be a stressful one for her, with so much
going on in her life. But it could also be tremendously rewarding, as she strives
to live up to the expectations she has set for herself as a superstar supermom
sex bomb who saves the world in her spare time.
Astro-Methodology Note (of interest to astrology geeks only): Mind you,
making predictions for Angelina is not an easy task, because the solar return
chart, or birthday horoscope, is usually cast for the location that will be
the person's primary residence for the year. Going on vacation to a different
location in hopes of acquiring a more favorable chart for the year is considered
cheating, and doesn't really work. But here we have a subject who is genuinely
a citizen of the world. While Angelina's nominal residence is L.A. and it is
rumored that she will eventually relent to partner Brad Pitt's pleas
to return there, she hasn't set foot on the West Coast in many moons. And while
Paris may have provided a pregnancy pit stop divertissement, it is not
at all clear that she and her Pitt-suffixed entourage will be spending significant
time in the City of Lights in the coming year. Thus, after more deliberation
than was perhaps rightly necessary in a world where actual people have actual
problems, I have decided that it would be putting the proverbial cart before
the proverbial house to make a prediction about where Angelina will spend her
year and base her yearly forecast on that. Instead, I have opted to honor Angie's
"wherever you go, there you are" M.O. and cast her solar return chart
for where she is right now: near Swakopmund, Namibia. (Whew. It was bad
enough when I had to figure out which
day her baby was born.)
Shiloh's Birth Time Controversy (5/30/06)
Shiloh's Rising Sign (5/29/06)
Jolie-Pitt's Birth Chart (5/28/06)
Will Brad and Angelina Ever Wed? (4/9/06)
Labels: Angelina Jolie
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