Madonna's Adopted Son: An Astrological Fit With His New Family?

Can astrology shed some light on the controversy over Madonna's adoption of 1-year-old Malawi David Banda? Familial relationships, both biological and adoptive, are often revealed in the birth chart by resonance between two family members' horoscopes. (An interesting article theorizing on horoscopic "inheritance" can be found on Astrokrishna's blog.) So perhaps David's natal chart contains some insight into his relationship with his new adoptive parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ritchie. Does his destiny lie with his new family, or would he have been better off in his homeland with his biological father?
See David Banda's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy; no birth time)
Sad to say, the conflict in David's young life is readily apparent in his natal chart. A T-square, or T-shaped configuration, between Venus, Saturn and Neptune (or a grand cross, if you count Mars, which is slightly out of orb) creates a sense of being pulled in different directions. Pursuing one's path may be difficult with this configuration. David may struggle to overcome a sense of being deadlocked as conflicting forces are at odds within him.
More pressure is found in the yod, or "finger of God" configuration, formed in David's horoscope between Mercury, Saturn and Uranus. David may struggle to express himself within the confines of the structure in which he is raised, and could manifest his pent-up frustration (or turn it self-destructively inward) in an outburst via volatile Uranus in Pisces.

These issues notwithstanding, there are some interesting contacts between Madonna's horoscope and her new adopted son's. Both their Jupiters are conjunct in Libra while both their Mars are loosely conjunct in Taurus. Madonna may be a conduit for opportunities for David to broaden his horizons and pursue his ideals. See Madonna's birth chart (Astrotheme)
As David's Uranus sits right on the cusp of Madonna's 7th house of partnership, I can't help but be concerned that the chaos ensuing from his entry into the family could disrupt her marriage. David's Sun forms an out-of-sign conjunction to Guy Ritchie's Uranus, which could suggest that the young boy will push his adoptive dad's buttons. See Guy Ritchie's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) But with his Saturn opposite David's Jupiter, Guy can provide the structure of a paternal force for the young lad; though he may be repressive in some ways, he will be determined to help establish the foundation for David to pursue his dreams.
David may find a strong family ally in big sister and fellow Libra Lourdes, whose Moon in Scorpio conjuncts David's Venus while her Venus in Virgo sextiles it. Look for Lola to be fiercely protective of her new little bro, assuming a close caretaker bond with him. Meanwhile, now-middle child Rocco, with his Leo stellium, will likely find it easy to boss around his eager-to-please Libra little brother. See Rocco Ritchie's birth chart (
While David may have some challenges ahead (don't we all), it doesn't seem like his new adoptive family will screw him up any more than anyone else's family does. I hope for the sake of all concerned that the adoption situation is resolved quickly and smoothly so that David's life is not disrupted by further transitions and tugs-of-war. The sooner he achieves equilibrium, the better off this little Libra will be.
Related: • Madonna's Adopted Son: His Astrological Chart (10/27/06) • "Like a Virgin: Madonna and Virgo Rising" ~ CelebAstroBlogy's personality profile of Madonna • Why, Guy, Why? (2/05/06)
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