An Excel-lent Match for Martha Stewart

Let's just get this out of the way up front: I loves me some Martha Stewart. I live for the recipes and techniques in MSL and Everyday Food. I love Martha even more for the way she stepped up, served her time, learned from it and moved on, even though she was totally made a scapegoat for some trivial ethical infraction while those douchebags from Enron who stole people's life savings continue to spend their days golfing and wiping their asses with gold toilet paper. Anyway, this is but a tiny glimmer of the passion I feel for Martha.
With the triumphant post-prison career renaissance she's been enjoying, along with the support of her family and friends, the one thing La Martha has so far lacked is the love of a good man. You can see from her chart (See Martha Stewart's birth chart; Astrotheme) why the very factors that make her successful make it hard for her to forge a romantic connection ... Leo Sun conjunct the Midheaven and Pluto, signifying a passionate craving for power and control; Venus in exacting Virgo giving her extraordinarily high standards of quality; Saturn conjunct Uranus in Taurus harnessing a determined, even explosive drive. Exactly as you would imagine, Martha is a huge control freak, which can be kind of an obstacle to love.So you can imagine my delight when I read that Martha may have a beau who is every bit as down with OCD as she is: Charles Simonyi of Microsoft [source]. And I got even more excited when I discovered that dude was born September 10, 1948, in Budapest, Hungary [source]. They may claim they're just old friends, but clearly, no one could be better for a control freak like Martha than the Virgo man behind the application that is synoymous with anal-retentiveness, Microsoft Excel!
Sweetening the deal, Charles has his Venus in Leo (so they each have their Venus in each other's Sun sign -- awww) and, like Martha, has a Sagittarius Moon. His Moon may or may not conjunct hers, since I don't have a birth time for him; but his Jupiter in Sagittarius definitely does, suggesting that he's a great source of encouragement and excitement for Martha and brings out her emotional generosity (no small feat, to be sure). His Mars in Scorpio squares Martha's Pluto, which might actually mean that she has found a man who can stand up to her -- hey, no one is more surprised than I.
Considering these fabulous aspects, I would be most surprised if Martha and Charles are really still just friends. If by some chance they are, I suggest Mr. Simonyi run a spreadsheet calculating the opportunity cost of not making a move on Martha. You two crazy kids would be great together -- go for it!
Labels: Celebrity Couples