Oscar Predictions IV: Best Picture

After much deliberation, I have decided to cast astrological charts for the Best Picture nominees based on their first major USA release date (all dates are from IMDB), as opposed to, say, their first-ever release dates, which are usually at various film festivals in other countries, and hence make the charts all clump together around the same couple of days. But more importantly, the Oscars, though chosen by a select few people, are supposed to be all about the public zeitgeist of which movies were best, and the festival release dates don't really reflect the entry of the film into the public consciousness. If you feel differently, please post a comment or email me, I'd be glad to hear arguments in favor of the festivals. All that said, on with the show! And the nominees are...
Brokeback Mountain L.A. premiere date: 11/30/05 On Oscar night, Saturn-Chiron forms a grand cross with the Mars-Jupiter opposition in Brokeback Mountain's chart. This is a difficult aspect that could augur the dashing of hopes.
Capote U.S. limited release date: 9/30/05 Jupiter on Oscar night is within 3° of Capote's Venus. This is a nice, lucky aspect.
Crash U.S. wide release date: 5/6/05 In Crash's chart, the Sun (and, loosely, Venus) is forming a T-square with the transiting Jupiter-Neptune square. This is certainly a good sign, with Jupiter conferring luck and Neptune, glamour. Uranus is inconjuncting Crash's Jupiter, which could bring some strange luck out of the woodwork. And it may be worth noting that Crash's Sun falls in the 9th house of the Oscar chart, a powerful placement, while Mars and Uranus are straddling the Oscars' 7th house cusp.
Good Night, and Good Luck U.S. limited release date: 10/7/05 Jupiter is in a wide opposition to this movie's Mars. Other than that... I got nothing.
Munich U.S. limited release date: 12/23/05 Movies released late in the Oscar cycle tend to do well, perhaps because their charts align more closely with the planets on awards night. But Munich does not have very exciting aspects, in spite of several planets close to where they are in the movie release chart.
Conclusion: Wow, this is a tough one. I have to say I don't like the looks of the aspects for Brokeback. That grand cross is pretty nasty. Crash, with Jupiter opposing its Sun, just might get its moment in the spotlight.
More Oscar predictions: Best Actress | Best Actor | The Oscar Night Astrological Chart
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