Celeb Birthdays: November 17

Law & Order: SVU's Diane Neal, who seems to get blonder and more unrealistically glammed out every season, is 31. See Diane Neal's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Actress Leslie Bibb is 32. See Leslie Bibb's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Spokesmodel, or whatever it is she does these days, Daisy Fuentes and French actress Sophie Marceau both hit 40 today. See Daisy Fuentes' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) ~ See Sophie Marceau's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Diva RuPaul is 46. The Gemini Ascendant seems appropriate for someone with two distinct personae. See RuPaul's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Actress Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio is 48. See Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Actor Stephen Root is 55. I was told I could have a piece of his birthday cake, because last time I didn't receive one.
Mad props to Howard Dean, 58 today, for helping take back Congress. What what! I would not be surprised if he also had a hand in convincing Britney to divorce Kevin; the man is clearly just on a roll. See Howard Dean's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Diminutive actor-producer Danny DeVito is 62, as is SNL creator Lorne Michaels. See Danny DeVito's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Venerably gorgeous actress Lauren Hutton is 63. See Lauren Hutton's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Director Martin Scorsese is 64. May I suggest a brow grooming kit as a lovely gift? Clear mascara has just about changed my life. See Martin Scorsese's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Singer-songwriter Gordon Lightfoot, who is evidently still alive, is 68. See Gordon Lightfoot's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Birth dates from IMDB.com. Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.
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