Saturday, October 21, 2006

Site Update: Your Handy Astrology Reference Guide

Salutations, gentle readers! Many of you have already checked out CelebAstroBlogy's Astrology 101 area, which launched this summer, where you can learn all about sun sign personality traits, zodiac sign archetypes, planets, houses, aspects and more. And I thank you for that.

Now, for new readers, students of astrology, and compulsive people who just enjoy clicking on things, Astrology 101's explanations of astrological terms and building blocks will be linkable from their first mention in a post. (See today's post on Keith Urban for a f'r'instance.) This way, if you're not exactly sure what I'm talking about, you'll have a handy reference guide that will (hopefully) shed some light on the astrological jargon.

Plus, if you ever just feel like browsing through Astrology 101 to find out, say, what the significance of disputed planet Pluto is, or why your boyfriend is such a jerk, you will notice that there is now a big honkin' button on the right sidebar for your convenience, linking to your one-stop shop for astrological nuts and bolts.

Remember, more features will be added to Astrology 101, including a complete guide to compatibility between the 12 Sun signs; a dictionary of astrological terms; and a guide to the glyphs, or symbols, for signs, planets and aspects (you know, those weird squiggles on the wheel). Stay tuned for updates on these features as they launch.

Namaste ~


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Keith Urban's Scorpio Saga: Relapse, Rehab, Retrograde

Was anyone really surprised when Keith Urban, country musician and Mrs. Nicole Kidman, announced he's checking into rehab? The acknowledged former cokehead fessed on Friday that "one can never let one's guard down on recovery, and I'm afraid that I have." {Source} Well, sure he has. For one thing, you would kinda have to be coked up to find it normal to hang out with someone who never eats and has a deathly pale, waxy cast to her skin at all times. (Forget Botox, Nic may be undead. But that's a whole nother can of worms.)

Then, too, there's the fact that Keith's Scorpio planets (Sun, Mercury and Neptune) have been receiving encouragement from excess-prone Jupiter this year. Scorpio is a sign of intense craving, passionate yearning and deep emotional needs. If a person with a lot of Scorpio energy avoids coming face to face with this bottomless abyss of feeling, he or she may easily turn to the coping mechanism of blotting out said feelings with substance abuse, displacing the craving for emotional connection onto a craving for the junk. (Sex addiction is also right up there as a way of filling the emotional void.) The secrecy and keep-it-on-the-DL M.O. of Scorpios also makes it easy for them to hide an addiction; Mercury retrograde in Scorpio means Keith is very good at communicating under the radar. Uranus in Pisces opposing Keith's Venus in Virgo suggests a sense of instability around relationships, a fear of losing control—which, again, could be sublimated into self-medication with Pisces involved.

Right now, as gratification-oriented Jupiter approaches a conjunction to Keith's natal Neptune, often associated with addiction and deception, in Scorpio, it has been overwhelmingly easy for Keith to indulge himself in the temptations and pleasures that come with power and marital/financial connections (all ruled by Scorpio). In Keith's natal chart, Neptune forms a grand trine with his 1st-house Moon in Cancer, ruler of the chart; and with Chiron in Pisces. This configuration makes it easy for Keith to express his emotions and heal his pain through music, but also gives him precious little self-control when it comes to resisting the impulse to medicate these same emotions.

I can't help but wonder if this relapse confession comes unprompted or whether Keith finally slipped up and was busted by his fembot better half or even the authorities. With Mercury in Scorpio slowing down in approach to retrograde just five degrees from Keith's natal retrograde Mercury, even his Scorpio smooth-operator skills might falter. Perhaps Nic caught him on the phone mid-deal? Alternatively, with Saturn, which rules forces and figures of authority as well as limitation, restraint and structure, approaching an exact square to Keith's natal Neptune, he could have been under pressure from his record label to clean up his act ... or perhaps he even got busted by cops and agreed to rehab as long as the incident was covered up. Or, to take a more supportive view, it is possible that Keith's Mercury return did bring him some insight, while the Saturn-Neptune square led him to lift the chippie-induced blinders from his eyes and take a hard look at the need for more structure and self-discipline in his life.

These same aspects bode well for Keith's stay in rehab, I must say. The Mercury retrograde always invites opportunities to review, reflect and rethink, and this process is only intensified by the fact that Mercury is retrograding over its natal placement in Keith's chart—as well as that Mercury is retrograde natally. Retrograde Mercury will conjunct its natal position on November 9, then, after turning direct on the 17th, make a final conjunction to Keith's Mercury on November 28. If Keith entered a 30- or 45-day treatment program, he really chose an ideal time to focus on looking within himself and redirecting the self-destructive pathways in his mind. Meanwhile, that Saturn-Neptune square challenges Keith to muster up the will power to keep his addictions at bay.

I sincerely wish Keith the best of luck in his recovery; no matter how he came to his decision, it is a positive and healthy step and, again, he has chosen an extremely productive time to tackle this intense, difficult psychic work. I just can't help but wonder, considering that volatile Venus-Uranus square four months into a marriage, how Nicole fits into the picture. Certainly one of the Mercury-retrograde-in-Scorpio issues Keith must confront in rehab will be the secrets he was keeping from his wife (if rumors are to be believed, perhaps sexual as well as drug-related). Once he plumbs his emotional depths, what will Keith discover about his connection and communication (or lack thereof) with Nicole? This may well be a make-or-break time for the Kidbans. Their marriage may emerge strengthened by rehab and by Keith's increased self-awareness and insight ... or said self-awareness and insight might lead Keith to conclude that they should pull a Cheswegger and cut their losses.

Nicole and Keith: Worst Wedding Timing Ever! (6/25/06)
Nicole Kidman Sure Looks Pregnant (6/17/06)
Did Nicole and Keith Pick the Wrong Wedding Date? (6/9/06)
Nicole and Keith: What Are They Hiding? (5/18/06)
Nicole Kidman Uses the F Word (5/17/06)
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban: Heading for a Wedding or a Breakup? (3/13/06)
Update: Nicole and Keith's Scorpio Connection (2/18/06)
Never Mind Keith -- Can Nicole Commit? (2/07/06)

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Celeb Birthdays: October 21

These celebrities share their birthday with my half-birthday.

Much-rumored-about Kyle XY star Matt Dallas is 24. See Matt Dallas's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Actor Will Estes is 28.

Jewelry designer and daughter of Mick Jade Jagger turns 35 today. See Jade Jagger's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Actress Melora Walters is 38.

Actor Ken Watanabe is 47. See Ken Watanabe's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Brit pop star Julian Cope is 49. See Julian Cope's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Princess Leia herself, Carrie Fisher, hits 50 today. See Carrie Fisher's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Charlotte Caffey of the Go-Gos turns 53 today.

Former First Daughter and novelist Patti Davis is 54. See Patti Davis 's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Manfred Mann of Earth Band semi-fame is 66. See Manfred Mann's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Sci-fi/fantasy author Ursula K. Le Guin is 77. See Ursula K. Le Guin's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

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Friday, October 20, 2006

A Pisces Baby for Tori Spelling?

Congratulations to Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott on their happy announcement of Tori's pregnancy. I know, I know, I've expressed some misgivings about Tori's reported failure to make her Scorpio second hubby sign a pre-nup, but I also believe this opposite-sign couple has strong chemistry and they do seem to be darned happy.

So, what sign will the offspring of these Taurus-Scorpio parents be? I was sort of hoping the baby was on target to be a Taurus like Tori and her late dad Aaron, especially when I heard Tori was planning to name the baby Aaron if it's a boy {Source}. But, according to Celebrity Baby Blog, Tori was 15 weeks along as of an October 12 sighting {Source}. According to Senior Bumpanalysist Karen, this means Tori has about 25 weeks left to go in her pregnancy, which would put her due date around March 2.

A baby born around this time would be a Pisces, an old soul prepared to shoulder the karmic load of being named for such a world-historical figure. Perhaps the compassion, empathy and spiritual evolution personified by this Pisces child could spread to Tori and her estranged mom Candy, with shared love for little Aaron Jr. (ugh, you just know they're going to call him A.J.) healing their emotional wounds. Let's hope so!

Baby Shirt
Pregnancy Announcement Shirts

Tori, Get Thee a She-Nup! (5/12/06)
Tori Spelling's New Taurus-Scorpio Marriage

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Celeb Birthdays: October 20

Words cannot quite convey how crushed out I am on the adorable John Krasinski of The Office, who, at 27, is really not too young for me at all, really! After repeatedly replaying the scene when Jim and Pam finally kiss, I did not think my crush could possibly grow in strength, until I found out he once worked on Dunkin' Donuts commercials. And he's from friggin' Newton, Mass.! Releasing! Too! Many! Endorphins!!!! See John Krasinski's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Many happy retizzurns to Big Snoop Dogg, who hits 35 today, as does Kylie's sis Dannii Minogue, who is apparently famous in other countries. See Snoop Dogg's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) ~ See Dannii Minogue's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Fight hard! Fight strong! Show no mercy! The quintessential '80s-movie feathered-haired-Aryan villain, William Zabka, turns 41 today. See William Zabka's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Actor-poet (always a dangerous combination) Viggo Mortensen is 48. See Viggo Mortensen's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Dark-visionary Trainspotting and 28 Days Later director Danny Boyle turns 50 today. See Danny Boyle's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Baseball player Keith Hernandez, the recollection of whose name was key to my recent victory in a heated game of Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture Edition, is 53.

Actress Melanie Mayron is 54.

You know that pair of jeans from the Gap that used to seem kind of cheesy because they were from the Gap, but then you kept wearing them year in and year out and they got really worn and broken-in and faded and comfortable and you totally stopped caring that they were cheesy? The musical equivalent of those jeans, Tom Petty, turns 56 today. See Tom Petty's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Celeb Birthdays: October 19

Actress Joy Bryant hits 30 today.

Once and perhaps future Fugee Pras is 34. See Pras' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

SNL's Mango, Chris Kattan, is 36. See Chris Kattan's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

South Park co-creator Trey Parker is 37, as is the man he once called the biggest douche in the universe, self-proclaimed spirit-world communer John Edward. See Trey Parker's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) ~ See John Edward's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Actor-director Jon Favreau is 40. As a Libra, he's a good balance for Aries BFF Vince Vaughn.

The first celebrity carpenter since Jesus, Ty Pennington, is 41 today. See Ty Pennington's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Boxer Evander Holyfield is 44.

Jennifer Holliday of the O.G. Dreamgirls turns 46 today.

Actor John Lithgow is 61. See John Lithgow's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Novelist John le Carré is 75. See John le Carré's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Astrology and the Anna Nicole Saga, Part II: Anna's Baby Daughter's Birth Chart

In the first installment of the Anna Nicole Smith astrological saga, we looked at the birth chart of Daniel Smith, her recently deceased son. Now it's time to take a peek at the natal horoscope of his younger (half-)sister, born just three days before his death on September 7, 2006, Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern. (Now, I know Anna Nicole was grieving and wanted to pay tribute to her son and all, but Dannielynn? Really? She couldn't have just gone with Danielle?)

See Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern's birth chart (Exclusive to; no birth time)

The first thing that jumps out at me about this chart is the Saturn-Neptune opposition, describing the cloud of confusion or deception (Neptune) around the baby's father (Saturn). Of course, presumably not every child born under this configuration requires a paternity test (or Maury Povich sure will have his hands full this season), so it would be interesting to see where this aspect falls in her chart. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any report on the birth that includes a birth time... anyone? Anyone?

With four planets in mutable Virgo, this child may be prone to having a nervous, anxious temperament and to manifest psychological stress through physical health issues. Her Sun-Uranus opposition could make Dannielynn an unstable, volatile personality. While her birth time is unknown, it would not surprise me if the sunrise chart shown here, with the Moon conjunct Uranus, is not far off. The Moon describes the mother, and the dreamy Neptune-ruled Pisces Moon certainly evokes Anna Nicole's in-a-fog persona. A conjunction to Uranus would describe Anna's unpredictable behavior.

The sunrise chart places Saturn in the 12th house of self-undoing and hidden enemies. If this birth time were indeed in the ballpark, it could suggest some behind-the-scenes machinations on the part of her father (or father figure) who is secretly working to undermine her. Whether or not photog Larry Birkhead (who, as ever-astute reader Pluto pointed out, may well share a birthday, though not year, with the late Daniel Smith) is the baby's (sorry, I just can't keep typing that damn name and counting the l's and n's every time) biological father, Saturn may well represent Howard K. Stern, who is effectively entrenched as her father figure since his putative retroactive-shotgun wedding to Anna Nicole. (Plus, "stern" is one of the Saturn keywords.) Does Saturn's opposition to Neptune in Aquarius (public deception or confusion) and square to Jupiter in Scorpio represent an attempt by Stern to lay claim to his partner's assets (Scorpio) by pulling the wool over the public's eyes with regard to Baby D's paternity?

Stay tuned; this isn't over yet... we haven't even looked at Anna's chart for hints as to whether she is complicit with said deception, out of touch with reality, or both. As always, if you have any birth data about any of the parties involved, please share!

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Celeb Birthdays: October 18

Lizzie McGuire's Carly Schroeder, who is presumably someone you kids today have heard of despite the fact that she does not have three names, is 16. See Carly Schroeder's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Summerland's Zac Efron, who is presumably someone you kids today have heard of despite the fact that he does not have three names, is 18.

Veteran B-lister Vincent Spano is 44. See Vincent Spano's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Jazz musician Wynton Marsalis is 45. See Wynton Marsalis's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Action-packed Austrian Jean-Claude Van Damme and Joanie Loves Chachi's Erin Moran both turn 45 today. See Jean-Claude Van Damme's birth chart (Astrotheme) ~ See Erin Moran's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Tennis icon Martina Navratilova hits 50 today. Aries rising certainly describes her Sporty McButch look. See Martina Navratilova's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Besides Joanie, two more iconic sitcom actresses celebrate birthdays today: Mork and Mindy's Pam Dawber is 55 while Gilligan's Island's Mary Ann, Dawn Wells, is 68. See Pam Dawber's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Actor Peter Boyle of the show I hate too much to name here is 71. See Peter Boyle's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Rock legend Chuck Berry, who is evidently still alive, turns 80 today. See Chuck Berry's birth chart (Astrotheme)

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Celeb Birthdays: October 17

Rapper Wyclef Jean is 34 today. See Wyclef Jean's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Rapper Marshall "Eminem" Mathers is also 34 today. ~ Read an astrological analysis of Eminem's dysfunctional relationship with ex-wife Kim (pictured with him at right)

Chris Kirkpatrick of N'Sync, whose ass, coincidentally, Eminem once declared should be kicked, is 35 today. See Chris Kirkpatrick's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Reggae scion Ziggy Marley is 38.

Deadpan comedian Norm MacDonald, who would seem to have dropped off the face of the earth of late, is 43.

Genius Beavis and Butthead and Office Space creator Mike Judge, who does not get his due props if you ask me, is 44 today. See Mike Judge's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Chicago director Rob Marshall is 46. See Rob Marshall's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Film critic Richard Roeper is 47.

Country artist Alan Jackson is 48.

Actress Margot Kidder and actor George Wendt both turn 58 today. See Margot Kidder's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) ~ See George Wendt's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Spinal Tap's Michael McKean is 59. (Look, I tried to put the umlaut over the n; you can't do it in HTML, okay?)

Evel Knievel, who is evidently still alive, is 68 today. See Evel Knievel's birth chart (Astrotheme)

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Project Runway Astrological Predictions

You know how they did that study about how looking at pictures of cute things like kittens and baby pandas releases endorphins, the same as having sex or doing drugs? Well, I would like to see some serious scientific funding given out to study the phenomenon of endorphin release while discussing Project Runway. I have yet to meet anyone whose eyes do not light up at the mention of this beyond-compelling phenomenon. You start talking about this show and suddenly everyone from my yoga instructor to my cancer-scientist uncle turns into a freakin' WWD editor. Some people, who shall not be named, even host weekly screenings and go to such preposterous homage lengths as to prepare pizzas conceptually representing each of the four finalists. (Okay, whatever, I'm not ashamed! Uli was bratwurst, pineapple and cilantro; Michael was ricotta and mozzarella with roasted garlic; Laura was goat cheese with olives arranged in a V-neck shape and red pepper lips; and Neck Face Jeffrey was prosciutto strips criss-crossed into plaid topped with a skull and crossbones made out of capers. Now you see why I haven't had time to post lately!) Seriously, PR has the power to unite humanity. I would venture to say that if Israeli and Palestinian leaders were to watch a season-recapping marathon together they would finally be able to find common ground and bring their peoples together. Well, realistically, Palestine would probably side with Jeffrey and Israel would side with Angela's mother and it would become a whole nother can of worms that would lead to future generations of bloodshed and enmity, but I digress. The point is, it occurred to me that by casting charts for the four finalists and combining the endorphin-releasing pleasure of astrology with that of Project Runway, I could just about achieve geekgasm. On that note, let us proceed with the predictions!

Now, let me start by saying that the birth data for reality show contestants is typically spotty, and this crew is no exception. It almost goes without saying that there's not a birth time in the bunch. I have accurate towns of birth for Laura (New Orleans, LA) and Michael (Nuremberg, Germany—what's with the Teutonic vibe on this show, anyway?), but know only that Uli was born somewhere in East Germany and Jeffrey is from... well, I don't really know where Jeffrey came from originally. (I messaged him on Myspace asking for his birth data, but we all know how well that turned out last time, so I'm not holding my breath.) Obviously, if anyone has more details, please email me.

• Laura Bennett (born August 2, 1963, in New Orleans) is currently getting a nice trine from Saturn to her natal Jupiter, which describes the organized, methodical way she has gone about pursuing her dreams and goals. This aspect doesn't jump out at me as predicting a victory so much as suggesting that Laura could make some connections with influential industry figures (Saturn) who help her continue pursuing her goal (Jupiter). Transiting Venus, planet of art, beauty and material reward, in its own sign of graceful, elegant Libra, and its placement in the contestants' charts may be an important key to how they fare in a contest of aesthetic sensibilities. In Laura's natal chart, transiting Venus (and, more loosely, the Sun and Mars) falls opposite Laura's natal Jupiter, which may bring good fortune but could contrbute to a tendency to coast or take the easy road. Laura may be so caught up in basking in the moment that she starts to rest on her laurels before they have been awarded.

• Jeffrey Sebelia (born May 30, 1970, location unknown) is, according to the official PR site, under the mistaken impression that he is a Taurus, when in fact he is a Gemini. Now, it would be almost too easy to point out that Geminis are known for being two-faced and for double-talk, so ... oh, wait, I said almost, so yeah, let's go there. Dude is a snake!!! I'm guessing there's some Scorpio in that chart (his Ascendant, perhaps?), since he has that Gemini-Scorpio tendency to go for the verbal jugular (we all agree that Angela's mom was even whinier and frumpier than Angela and therefore deserved some level of peremptory dismissiveness, but DAMN, he knew exactly what buttons to push to undermine both of them!). Oops, was I extrapolating? Back to the chart. Ahem. Anyway. Since I don't even have a birthplace confirmed, this reading will necessarily be rudimentary; for all I know, Jupiter could be sitting smack on that hypothetical Scorpio Ascendant, handing him the victory on a plaid, zippered, suspiciously-well-topstitched silver platter. But barring such inadmissible speculation, the best aspects I see are the transiting Sun and Mars crossing over his natal Jupiter, with transiting Venus bringing up the rear. This is definitely a lucky, positive configuration, but it feels a little short-lived; since it will blow over in a matter of a few days, it seems unlikely that it would augur him being thrust into the spotlight in a life-changing way. Then again, has anyone heard from either of the previous winners since their moments of respective triumph? So, see, that one could really go either way.

• Uli Hertzner (born April 23, 1971, East Germany, town unknown) is my girl, considering I never met a comfortable, low-cut print dress I didn't like. And since I and my fellow cluttered-aesthetic-loving Taurean MQ are squarely Team Uli, I was about delighted to find out that she is ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ULI! ULI! ULI! Ahem... must maintain objectivity... anyhoo... I actually wish fervently that I had a star to hitch my bias wagon to, but the stars, sadly, are not aligned for my beloved Uli. There are challenges and obstacles ahead for her with both Saturn and Mars squaring their natal positions, and Chiron squaring her Sun. The Saturn square may mean a reevaluation of her methods and goals as a designer, perhaps prompted by the haters who find anything whatsoever wrong with an endless series of sexy, comfy print dresses, which frankly boggles my mind. Uli may literally have to go back to the drawing board (wait, do fashion designers actually use drawing boards? If not, please report me) and take a hard look at her limitations—though, if she uses this energy constructively, she can build up her body of work from a creative foundation that is that much stronger for her having done this work on herself. Still, from a personal perspective, I am compelled to add: ULI! ULI! ULI!

• Michael Knight (born April 11, 1978, Nuremberg, Germany) is, despite my personal preference for Uli's taste, the designer universally agreed by all reasonable people to have the widest range of style and sensibility. And damned if he doesn't know how to flatter a woman's body. Okay, there I go extrapolating again.... Michael, though, has the planetary goods to back up his skillz. He is currently experiencing an extremely significant transit: his first Saturn return, marking the shift into adulthood and maturity. The Saturn return can be marked by hard life lessons or by rewards for hard work, depending on how a person has conducted his or her life up until that point. This could be a time of real recognition for Michael. Meanwhile, transiting Saturn is also activating his natal Saturn's grand trine with his Sun (ego) and Neptune (dreams and fantasies), again suggesting the possibility of his dreams being made manifest. That fashion-friendly Venus in Libra, moreover, is opposing Michael's Sun, which could bring him some ego gratification. (P.S. Robert Hand says to be careful of any relationship formed under a Venus-opposite-Sun transit, so Michael, be wary of Brandy!)

Winner: Michael. I know everyone who has unsportsmanlikely peeked at his collection thinks it's totally disappointing, but dude, that Saturn return activating his grand trine is no joke.

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Astrology and the Anna Nicole Saga, Part I: Daniel Smith's Birth Chart

There is so much mystery surrounding the death of Daniel Smith, son of Anna Nicole, that a look at his astrological chart seemed in order. Of course, one post is not possibly enough to analyze all the nutty-cuckoo dynamics at play, but here is a brief look at Daniel's birth chart and the transits surrounding his death.

See Daniel Smith's birth chart (Exclusive to; no birth time)

On the date of his death, September 10, 2006, transiting retrograde Chiron, the "wounded healer," was approaching a conjunction to Daniel's Sun-Venus in Aquarius and squaring his Nodes. Perhaps this describes the fact that the drugs found in Daniel's system, which eventually killed him—methadone and antidepressants—were intended to treat him rather than poison him.

Without knowing his birth time, it's not possible to say for sure, but I wonder if Daniel's Gemini Moon (representing the emotions and the mother) might be at or around 17-18°... since drugs were involved with his death, it would not be a surprise to see an aspect from transiting Neptune to the Moon. The Moon also represents one's perception of the mother, so a Neptune aspect could perhaps describe his mother's role in facilitating his addictive or self-medicating behavior.

This may sound like a copout, but without a birth time, this horoscope leaves a lot of unanswered questions about what was going on for Daniel at the time of his untimely demise. Again, there is much more to this story, so stay tuned for further astrological revelations. If anyone comes across birth times for Daniel, Anna, or baby sister Daniellynne, please share!

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Celeb Birthdays: October 16

Baywatch star Jeremy Jackson is 26. See Jeremy Jackson's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Wuss-rocker John Mayer turns 29 today. See John Mayer's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Lifetime TV movie staple Kellie Martin is 31. See Kellie Martin's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Wendy Wilson of Wilson Philips is 37. See Wendy Wilson's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Actor Randall Batinkoff, who was really excellent in For Keeps with Molly Ringwald and had a small part in Buffy the movie, turns 38 today.

There must be some sort of Baywatch vibe to this degree of Libra, since Hasselhoff ex and onetime star of the show Pamela Bach is 43. See Pamela Bach's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Stuffed-animal-pants-wearing bassist Flea is 44. See Flea's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Hüsker Dü's Bob Mould is 45.

Lefty actor Tim Robbins is 48. See Tim Robbins' birth chart (Astrotheme)

The Grateful Dead's Bob Weir turns 59 today.

To my knowledge the only Three's Company cast member to have been denounced by a panel of medical professionals, Suzanne Somers hits 60 today. Hey, she must be doing something, um, medically sound! See Suzanne Somers' birth chart (Astrotheme)

Onscreen harbinger of death Angela Lansbury is 81. See Angela Lansbury's birth chart (Astrotheme)

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Celeb Birthdays: October 15

Okay, okay, I'm fine, I'm fine! Not trapped under a bus or anything. Just been really busy and had trouble getting back in groove ... seriously, everything since Labor Day has been a blur; it's only now starting to sink in that it is no longer, in fact, August. (Don't worry, though, I did stop wearing white pants and shoes.) Thank you for your concern, gentle readers, and now let's get back to it....

R&B singer Keyshia Cole turns 25 today.

Queer as Folk actor Mitch Morris turns 27. FYI, he also had a bit part as "Cute Boy" in the episode of Buffy when Riley Finn comes back to the Doublemeat Palace with his new wife, a classic episode that resonates for anyone who has ever run into a hot, successful ex when they were down: "You smell the smell?"

Latin-Christian artist Jaci Velasquez is 27.See Jaci Velasquez's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

R&B horndog Ginuwine turns 36. He even makes having an anxiety disorder sound ssssexy.

Nails-on-chalkboard-perky Trading Spaces host Paige Davis turns 37 today. If you watched her Wedding Story or whatever the fuck that was, you know that she is married to a candlestick and her real name is Mindy Paige Davis Paige. I mean, I heard, from other kids. See Paige Davis's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Soap diva Vanessa Marcil turns 37 today. I hold no ill will against her for the profound suckiness of the era of 90210 on which she appeared, as it was not her fault. See Vanessa Marcil's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Halle Berry's erstwhile cheating K-Fed, Eric "What Was I Thinking?" Benét, widely studied in medical journals as the stupidest man ever to walk the earth, turns 40 today.

The stars must have been aligned for media whoredom 47 years ago, when cheeseball chef Emeril Lagasse and Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson were born. See Emeril Lagasse's birth chart (Astrotheme) ~ See Sarah Ferguson's birth chart (Astrotheme)

What would Happiness director Todd Solondz, also 47 today, like for his birthday? Perhaps gift certificates to a qualified therapist? See Todd Solondz's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Dogtown and Z-Boys writer-director Stacy Peralta and Monsoon Wedding director Mira Nair are both 49. See Mira Nair's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

Charlie's Angels' Tanya Roberts, who was also quite gorgeous and hilarious on That '70s Show, turns 51 today. See Tanya Roberts' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)

The butt of many Jackson jokes, Tito Jackson, hits 53 today.

Singer Chris De Burgh, best remembered for that godawful ballad "Lady in Red," is 58. Personally, I much prefer "Don't Pay the Ferryman." That was a badass song. See Chris De Burgh's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Richard Carpenter of the Carpenters is 60 today, as is actor Victor Banerjee. See Richard Carpenter's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Director/Laverne Penny Marshall is 64. See Penny Marshall's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Actress Linda Lavin is 69.

Two profoundly influential Scorpio-rising thinkers, both felled by STDs, have birthdays today: Michel Foucault would have been 80 while Friedrich Nietzsche perhaps could have lived to be 162 were he in fact the Übermensch. Use protection, kids! See Friedrich Nietzsche's birth chart (Astrotheme) ~ See Michel Foucault's birth chart (Astrotheme)

Birth dates from Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.

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