Christina Aguilera's Son's Birth Chart
... hi, everybody!
Much catching up to do, I know ... but without further ado, here's a birth chart for Christina Aguilera's firtborn son, Max Liron Bratman. He was born at 10:05 PM Saturday in L.A.
See Max Liron Bratman's birth chart (Exclusive to CelebAstroBlogy)
Full analysis will come soon ... but for now I will say this kid has a very volatile chart, with a Mars-Pluto opposition, a Moon-Uranus conjunction, and the Ascendant/Descendant and IC/MC angles of the chart in almost exact squares to one another -- all in mutable signs. Still, I don't mean to sound ominous -- many congratulations and well wishes to the Bratman fam!
P.S. Has anyone seen the birth time of Nicole Richie's daughter reported? If so, I would be much obliged!
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Labels: Celebrity Babies, Christina Aguilera