For major celebs, pregnancy rumors seem to pop up at regular intervals. To wit, when I Googled
"jennifer aniston pregnant," I found two separate breathless
announcements from 2004 that she and Brad Pitt were thisclose
to announcing their beautiful little bun in the oven.
But this time, photo evidence is kinda hard to dismiss. In photos from
recent Break-Up premieres, Jennifer Aniston, the woman whose abs are
usually practically concave (or is it convex?) is now sporting a pooch that,
while modest when judged against the midsections of most American women, qualifies
her as morbidly obese by Friends-women standards. {Source:
Granted, if your ex was the sexiest man on earth and the sexiest woman on earth
had just given birth to his baby, you might hole up in your hotel room with
enough Haagen-Dazs and tequila to produce a gut in a matter of weeks. (I mean
really, can't all you haters show the woman a little sympathy? Jeeze.)
But I took a look at Jen's horoscope, as well as her progressed chart, and really,
it is just possible that she and Vince Vaughn could be trying to keep
up with Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Over the past couple of years, Jen has definitely been going through a tough
time, and is wary of trusting again. In her progressed chart, which shows where
a person has evolved in his or her life, Jen's Sun has entered Aries, the sign
of the individual, and is approaching a conjunction to Chiron, the planetoid
that symbolizes wounding. With this Sun-Chiron conjunction, she feels damaged,
like something is fundamentally wrong with her, and that she is on her own.
(Jen, I recommend Tara Brach's book Radical
In her progressed chart, Jennifer's Venus turned retrograde in Aries in early
2003... perhaps around the time she and Brad started to grow apart? It is now
moving toward a conjunction with progressed Saturn, which sits on her natal
7th house (partnership) cusp, showing her extreme wariness toward trusting anyone
but herself or entering into another relationship.
Yet in the face of all this, Jen is constantly reminding herself to be optimistic
about love, with Jupiter in Libra opposing her Sun. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus,
which brings the urge to be impulsive and unpredictable in expressing oneself.
And it is also worth noting that Jen's progressed Sun at 0° Aries (the start
point of the zodiac, symbolizing new beginnings) is coming toward a conjunction
with Vince's natal Sun at 6° Aries, while her progressed Venus at 26°
Aries retrogrades toward a conjunction with Vince's natal Venus at 24° Aries.
Jen is still in a lot of pain from her last relationship, but she is excited
about connecting with Vince and trying something new. And as time goes on and
she settles into the relationship, she seems in some ways to be growing more
like him, coming around to his relationship style. With natal Mars in Scorpio
coming to the Ascendant of the progressed chart, Jen wants to be seen as more
impulsive, dynamic and passionate.
Yes, yes, you say, but what does all this have to do with babies? Well, Venus
is in the 5th house (children) of Jennifer's progressed chart, though
it has been there for several years, and the progressed Sun is in the 4th house
of home and family, so after all she's been through, she is still looking to
settle down into stability and be on solid ground at this point in her life.
And looking at her transits, retrograde Pluto is about to stop just short of
a conjunction to her Moon, representing the emotions as well as one's attitude
about motherhood. Jen has been reevaluating her feelings about motherhood over
the past couple of years as Pluto passes back and forth over her Moon. As it
makes its last close pass, has Jen finally decided to take the life-changing
leap into parenthood? See
Jennifer Aniston's birth chart (Astrotheme) Certainly, the fact that
Jen's Moon conjuncts Brad Pitt's Sun is absolutely coincidental and would signify
nothing about his influence on her decision to have a baby.
Incidentally, in Vince's chart, transiting retrograde Jupiter is 6° away
from his natal retrograde Jupiter in the 1st house, signifying good luck that
comes in unusual ways (e.g. the unexpected success of The Break-Up),
and Saturn (which represents fatherhood as well as responsibility) is squaring
his natal Saturn. So perhaps Vince, who does seem like an unlikely candidate
for family man, is challenging himself to take on a new level of adult responsibility. See Vince Vaughn's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Obviously, time will tell whether Jen Pilates-es off that pooch or whether
it blossoms into a full-blown bump. While I am clearly biased in favor of the
creation of more celebrity babies, as they are this blog's bread and butter,
I for one would like to see these two bring a little Vinnifer into the world.
With all that Aries between the two of them, they are each focused on themselves
as individuals, and having a baby would likely put all those things they angst
about now (their abs, her hair) into perspective. Stay tuned!
Rumors for Jen and Vince (3/18/06)
Aniston Rising