Are Carmen and Dave Headed for Divorce?

The word is, and has been for a while, that relative newlyweds Carmen Electra
and Dave Navarro, who make such a photogenic and sexalicious couple and
seemed so in love with themselves each other during their MTV
show, are on their way out. The tabloids and Interwebs have been on death watch
for this couple for quite some time. Gosh darn it, if these two crazy kids can't
make it work, what hope is there for the rest of us? While I freely admit to
a fairly insurmountable bias against Taurus-Gemini relationships (Carmen's a
Bull, Dave's a Twin), these two had a fighting chance when you look at their
natal charts in entirety.
Taurus craves security, stablity and loyalty while Gemini is changeable, spontaneous and a consummate player of the proverbial field. Typically, when it comes to a long-term commitment, a Taurus needs to know where he or she stands while a Gemini likes to play things by ear and not be pinned down. But Carmen and Dave have been able to hang because Carmen's Venus-Mars conjunction in Gemini conjuncts Dave's Sun-Moon conjunction in Gemini, giving them a strong emotional and romantic connection. ~ See Carmen Electra's birth chart (Astrotheme) ~ See Dave Navarro's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Also, Dave's very romantic Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Leo forms an out-of-sign conjunction to Carmen's security-craving Cancer Moon. That Venus-Jupiter conjunction means Dave is likely to make grand gestures, making Carmen feel spoiled, pampered and taken care of (just what a Taurus girl needs). And Dave's earthy Virgo Ascendant and Sun-Moon in the 10th house (Capricorn's natural home) ground his Gemini Ascendant and give him an affinity with a Taurean like Carmen.
But Gemini is a fickle sign, and with Carmen's Venus (ruler of her Taurus Sun) conjuncting Mars there, she is much more wandering-eye-prone than your average Taurus, if not just as romantically restless as her hubby. And with Dave's Mars on Carmen's Uranus, a wicked volatile pileup, all squaring Carmen's Mars-Venus, when they fight, let me tell you, it is knock-down, drag-out.
This weekend's conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Leo falls loosely on Dave's Venus-Jupiter. He may be frustrated with the relationship and ready to break free. The Mars-Saturn conjunction inconjuncts Carmen's Jupiter, suggesting that she too is chafing within the confines of the marriage, yearning for freedom and the room to grow. Retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio is sextiling her natal Jupiter, again implying a growth opportunity, as well as transformation through loss. According to Life & Style, Carmen has been throwing herself into her career (Capricorn), which is gaining momentum (Jupiter) to avoid dealing with the loss (Scorpio) of her marriage.
More significantly, Uranus in Pisces is about to station on June 19 just shy of 15°, a degree that is a major trigger point in the relationship. It forms an inconjunct to Carmen's Uranus and Dave's Mars at 15° Libra, again, a volatile conjunction; and squares Carmen's Mars-Venus. They could be about to split up in the coming week. Or, if they try to stick it out, the tipping point could come after Uranus goes direct and finally reaches 15° Pisces a year from now in June 2007. But it's sounding more and more like this split will come sooner rather than later, which may be just as well.
I wish happiness to both Carmen and Dave, but ultimately, I have to stand by my conviction that trying to make a "death do us part" commitment between a Taurus and a Gemini is like trying to mate a cow and a monkey. Not a pretty mental picture, is it, people?
Labels: Carmen Electra, Dave Navarro
Thanks, I corrected that. Sorry, it was late!! :)
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