Did Nicole and Keith Pick the Wrong Wedding Date?

As regular readers know, I am very skeptical of the Nicole Kidman–Keith Urban coupling. But as yet their wedding plans seem to be full steam ahead. And now a new report has gone so far as to pinpoint the exact date, time and location of the nuptials—an astrologer's dream!
"The lovebirds, worried that sneaky lensmen will get unauthorized shots of their June 25 wedding in Sydney, Australia, are planning to stage the ceremony at night. Their wedding planners say the service will begin after 6:30 p.m. as the sun sets..."{Source: Page Six}
It's almost like Nic and Keith leaked this info to the press in hopes that an astrologer would let them know whether this is, in fact, an auspicious hour to wed. (By "almost like," I mean in my own delusional world.) Well, I have to say that I am not too pleased by this chart at all. If they really do get married shortly after 6:30 PM, I must say irrespective of my personal distaste for the relationship, their marriage will be an uphill battle.
When picking a chart for a wedding, astrologers look for certain planets to be strong and highlighted, to favor happiness and harmony, while other planets are downplayed. The buzzkill planet Saturn is one that should never be at the forefront of a wedding chart, as it connotes hardship and pessimism. But at 6:30 PM in Sydney on the 25th, Capricorn is on the Ascendant, meaning its ruling planet, Saturn, rules the entire wedding chart. To make matters worse, Saturn is located in the 7th house of partnership, which is the sweet spot of a wedding chart. This is as close as it comes to the ultimate dealbreaker for a wedding chart.
Positive aspects to Saturn could perhaps mitigate its negative influence in the chart, but instead, we find Saturn aspects that exacerbate the suckfest. Saturn is conjunct Mars, the planet of aggression (and also of passion, which will be dampened by its proximity to repressive Saturn), and opposite Chiron, the planetoid that rules wounding. Jupiter forms a T-square (three-way square) with Saturn and Chiron, suggesting that hurt feelings will be blown out of proportion.
Venus, which should be prominent in a wedding chart, is very weak. It is in changeable Gemini, which is not a good sign for an enduring commitment, and other than an out-of-sign sextile to Mercury, it is unaspected, meaning its energy is not really resonating with other planets in the chart. Further, there are no planets in Taurus or Libra, the signs Venus rules, which could have boosted Venus' influence a bit.
One interesting point is that the Moon's placement at 6:30 exactly conjuncts Nicole's Sun at 29 Gemini. Again, Gemini is not so great for a marriage chart, but it's nice that she has a connection with the wedding chart there, along with the wedding chart's Mars on her Venus. Since the wedding date is a few days after Nic's birthday, the Sun in Cancer is also in an out-of-sign conjunction to her Sun. That's nice too, but not so major. It also kind of suggests to me that the wedding is her own idea, an outgrowth of her ego. As for Keith, he doesn't have any great connections with the wedding chart.
Who knows? Nic and Keith could have just leaked this date to the press to throw them off the trail, while they secretly plot to surprise everyone by getting married sooner. It will be interesting to see whether they do in fact move forward with this date and time, and whether their union is fraught with the Saturnian strife I fear. (By "interesting" I mean "schadenfreude-inducing." Have I mentioned I do not care for this couple?)
Nicole and Keith: What Are They Hiding? (5/18/06)
Nicole Kidman Uses the F Word (5/17/06)
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban: Heading for a Wedding or a Breakup? (3/13/06)
Update: Nicole and Keith's Scorpio Connection (2/18/06)
Never Mind Keith -- Can Nicole Commit? (2/07/06)
Labels: Celebrity Couples, Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman
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