Wedding Rumors for Jen and Vince

Say whaaaat? Perez Hilton, to whom I am indebted as a source for so many items lately, is now reporting that Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn, not to be outdone by Brangelina, are secretly planning to wed:
We've just had two people - independent of each other - tell us that Jennifer Aniston is planning a surprise wedding to Vince Vaughn THIS SUNDAY at the Montecito, CA, home of Oprah Winfrey. [Source]
This is kind of a delicious prospect -- I especially love the Oprah touch, since she's, like, the only person in America, or at least Hollywood, more well respected than George Clooney, who is purportedly lending his blessing to the Brangelina nuptials. And I've always thought Jen and Vince were kinda hot together, even though part of me wonders if their relationship is a look-I've-moved-on-too sham for the cameras. In my birthday forecast for Jennifer Aniston this past February, I predicted that she and Vince were not in it for the long haul but were just having fun. But now that I have obtained Vince's birth time from the fantastique French astrology site Astrotheme, I see that Jen and he are more simpatico than I thought! Their Libra Ascendants are conjunct, and so are their Sagittarius Moons, a sign that they are in synch emotionally and in terms of personality. [See Jennifer Aniston's birth chart (Astrotheme) | See Vince Vaughn's birth chart (Astrotheme)] Awww! Could this be true love after all -- or just the ultimate screw-you to Brad?
Well, Jen's progressed chart at this time does show a bit of a screw-you mentality... There is a strong Aries influence there, as her progressed Sun has just moved into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac -- and Vince's natal Sun sign. Mars-ruled Aries are impulsive, assertive and action-oriented, and while Jen will always be a detached Aquarius at her core, the Aries influence is seen in how she has loosened up and let her hair down since getting together with Vince. The Aries influence in Jen's progressed chart is underscored by natal Mars approaching a conjunction with the progressed Ascendant.
But the Aries impulsiveness doesn't tell the whole story -- there is also a real chip on Jen's shoulder, as seen by the progressed Sun's conjunction to natal and progressed Chiron. Scorpio rising in the progressed chart shows a bit of a vengeful or defensive outlook on life, and especially with Mars conjuncting the Ascendant from the lurking-under-the-surface 12th house, Jen has a real potential to lash out against those who hurt her or even to strike preemptively if she feels threatened.
This Sunday, March 19, the Sun in the final degree of Pisces -- the last gasp of winter before the spring equinox -- will be approaching a conjunction to Jen's progressed Sun and her natal Chiron. That afternoon and evening, the Moon in Scorpio will pass over Jen's Mars and through her progressed 1st house. The Sun in both Jen and Vince's 5th house of romance is nice, and maybe it would be fitting for them to marry with the Sun in Pisces since the Sun in their composite chart, which describes the relationship, is in Pisces. But I can't shake the feeling that a wedding taking place on Sunday would be one that happened for the wrong reasons. The emphasis on Scorpio and the impulsive Aries urge to be first suggests a revenge-driven race to the altar rather than a true romantic connection. Maybe it will happen for Jen and Vince someday, but this doesn't strike me as the right time for them to wed.
Labels: Celebrity Couples, Jennifer Aniston, Vince Vaughn