Demi and Ashton: Baby Rumors!

Perez Hilton is reporting that Star is reporting (don'tcha love the gossip hall of mirrors?) that Demi Moore was spied shopping at a baby store and making such remarks as "I like this for the baby" and "I wonder if Ashton would like this." What the report, at least as so far reported, does not mention is whether Demi was sporting a baby bump. And yet she allegedly did not want to wait 8-12 weeks for furniture to be delivered, which begs the question of when she might be delivering.
Now, I admit to being all sorts of confused about the normal progress rate of pregnant women's bellies thanks to the public yo-yo gestation process of one Katie Holmes, but surely some enterprising paparazzo would have spotted developments in Demi's abdominal region if she had a baby set to arrive in a mere two months. Of course, the other alternatives would be that Mr. and Mrs. Kutcher are adopting or making use of a surrogate. Let's see what Demi's chart has to say.... See Demi Moore's astrological chart (Astrotheme)
From a look at her progressed chart (a chart that depicts how the individual has grown and evolved), Demi is in a great place in her life, especially in terms of relationships. Direct-by-progression Venus is conjuncting her Sun and approching the return to its natal position. After a volatile early life in which her parents provided a train wreck of a relationship model (Source: IMDB), Demi has worked through a lot of relationship issues and reached a point where her partnership really strengthens and validates who she is. Venus' importance is further highlighted by the fact that it is the ruler of the progressed chart, with Taurus on the progressed Ascendant. And Demi's progressed Moon is in the 7th house of partnership, another sign that love and relationships are focal in her life right now. (Incidentally, the progressed chart is calculated by advancing the natal chart a day for every year of the person's life, and Demi's chart has now progressed to Christmas Day, which seems like fitting symbolism for the many blessings in her life right now.)
So, could all this love and affection be directed toward a new baby, as well as her partner? Uranus and Pluto have moved to the 5th house, which rules motherhood, in Demi's progressed chart, but this has been the case since before she first became a mom way back in '88, it doesn't tell us much about the prospect of a present pregnancy. Venus rules the 1st and 7th houses of the progressed chart, so this seems to be saying more about Demi's marriage than hitning at a new addition to the family. It seems like Demi and Ashton really might be soul mates like they've been saying all along, though. Who'd'a thunk it? See Ashton Kutcher's astrological chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Turning to the transits to Demi's natal chart, we find that retrograde Saturn is currently transiting the 5th house -- which, again, rules motherhood and is an important point in the chart where we would seek out pregnancy indicators. But Saturn, the planet of restriction, repression and hard lessons, is not exactly the bearer of joyous tidings when it comes to childbirth. Furthermore, Saturn is opposing its own natal position in the 11th house, indicating a time of reckoning or testing, a theme that is reinforced by transiting Uranus in Pisces opposing natal Pluto. And with Saturn approaching a conjunction to the karmic North Node, there could be a deep spiritual lesson coming up for Demi, requiring her to go beyond what comes easily for her and make a leap of faith. Chiron has been opposing Saturn -- and just crossed Demi's Saturn -- suggesting thaht this lesson could be a painful one. I hope very much that this does not signify the dashing of their pregnancy hopes, but perhaps a reevaluation and reestablishment of those hopes. Saturn in the 5th could indicate difficulty conceiving, but the contact with the North Node suggests that if Demi meets this obstacle with an enlightened attitude, it could lead her to a higher purpose. With transiting Pluto having just crossed her natal Midheaven, Demi has been transforming her life goals and aspirations. Success means something different to her now than when she was young and hungry. With Jupiter retrograding over her Sun-Venus, she is in the midst of a period of growth and expansion that will enrich who she is and her relationships.
To me, what this suggests is that there may not necessarily be a pregnancy, but that the Moore-Kutcher household could receive the gift of a family addition through unconventional means -- the emphasis on Uranus, Aquarius and the 11th house of community reminds me of the "it takes a village" approach to child-raising. Aquarius also rules progress and new technology, so a technique like the use of a surrogate could be in the works. Or, given that Demi's progressed Moon is in multi-culti Sagittarius and passing through her natal 9th house of long-distance travel, she could pull an Angelina and jet across the world in search of an infant to become the adoptive Kabbalina Kutcher. Either way, Saturn's placement suggests the challenge of getting past an attachment to conventional biological parenting and embracing the idea of motherhood in a more cosmic, progressive way.
Labels: Celebrity Pregnancy
How beautiful would their child be!!
I'm so happy that the stars have aligned for Demi and Ashton. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I thought that these two were the real deal ever since I saw Ashton talking about her on Oprah. Okay, you try being stuck at home a million months pregnant with nothing else to do. You too would watch Ashton on Oprah. And yes, if you were so hormonally-challenged you might also weep at their happiness. Not that I did that, of course.
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