Celeb Birthdays: March 12

Sorry to keep harping on the addictive tendencies of Pisces; I don't mean to encourage any of you Fish folks out there to fall off the wagon. But I can't help noticing that quite a few of the Pisces celebrities born today likey the self-medication.
Firstly, it's a wonder that Pete Doherty has survived to see 27. Apparently he's in some sort of band or something, but his main claim to fame these days is out-train-wrecking Courtney Love. With his Sun trining Uranus and Jupiter in water signs, it's no wonder he's given to overindulging and acting out in volatile outbursts. See Pete Doherty's birth chart (Astrotheme; no birth time)
Clearly, I would be making an ass out of me and Eva Herzigova, 33, were I to assume that simply by virtue of her status as a supermodel she too has dabbled in the nose candy. I'm sure there are tons of supermodels who never touch drugs, and that Ms. Herziwhatsit is one of them.
I would have to place Aaron Eckhart, 38 today, in the category of "famous people you've never heard of." For some reason I have managed to avoid seeing every movie he's been in.
Darryl Strawberry has had his well-publicized share of Piscean self-destructiveness, but at 44 has put all that behind him.
Master of mustachioed gravitas Courtney B. Vance will likely spend his 46th birthday with supervixen wife Angela Bassett.
The folk-rock stylings of James Taylor make me want to claw my own face off, but I suppose it is my duty as a chronicler of celebrities to note his 58th birthday. Ugh.
And rounding out the rehab crew, Ms. Liza Minnelli looks back on 60 blurry years of razzle-dazzle glamour. See Liza Minnelli's birth chart (Astrotheme)
If only there was some kind of beatnik Betty Ford Center back in the day, perhaps liver-pickling writer Jack Kerouac would have lived to see 84. See Jack Kerouac's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Birth dates from IMDB.com. Please email me any corrections, additions or -- especially appreciated! -- exact birth times.
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