Due to the possibility of legal or violent physical repercussion for my musings on this individual's birth chart and transits, I have decided to post the first-ever Celeb AstroBlogy Blind Item! Which popular entertainer was born with a T-square between Venus in Scorpio, Chiron in Taurus, and Jupiter, ruler of the Sun, in Leo? This configuration could suggest a painful secret about sexual relationships ...
that is at odds with this individual's aspirations for stardom. Chiron inconjuncting the Sun suggests that there is a psychological "Achilles heel" of sorts that this person can never quite integrate into his or her identity. This individual's secret may be about to blow wide open, as Jupiter in Scorpio transits the natal Uranus and kinky urges become uncontrollable, perhaps manifesting via the Internet.
Katie Holmes
since nobody guessed, I posted the answer here:
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