Oh, my beloved Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, what have you done? You, the most
beautiful man with the most beautiful voice, who has lifted my spirits with
the bliss that is your ouevre as a solo artist as well as alpha member of Wham!....
You, who surely could have any man or any drug safely delivered to the comfort
of your home.... Why, oh, why do you, of all men, keep getting high in your
car and/or getting off in public parks, most recently with a man who brings
new meaning to the term "doing the nasty"?! {Source}
My dear, dear George Michael, you have brought me so much joy throughout
my life, so let me give you a piece of advice: Do as many drugs as you want
and have as much kinky sex with gross men as you want, but for the love of all
that is holy, do it inside your home behind closed doors. I can't stress
this enough, darling Georgios!
But, sadly, even though George presumably owns a home, with doors and everything,
I have a feeling it's not just happenstance that he keeps getting caught with
his pants down (and his brain fried) outside of it. From looking at his astrological
chart, it seems clear that George is drawn toward the dark side. He has a compulsion
toward risky, self-destructive behavior, both sexual and escapist, and it could
be that he needs to court danger to get turned on.
George is a shy, self-protective double Cancer; though his Moon in Leo gives
him a diva's love of the spotlight, it is at odds with his deep-seated need
for privacy. ~ See
George Michael's birth chart (Astrotheme) George's Sun (ego), Mercury
(communication) and Venus (relationships) are all in the self-destructive, secretive,
skeletons-in-closet-having 12th house. His Mercury-Venus conjunction in Gemini
im the 12th can make it easy for him to get restless in relationships, to overthink
them and sabotage them. (Sadly, word is that George's planned wedding to longtime
boyfriend Kenny Goss may be off following the most recent nasty-public-sex
revelations. {Source})
Sexually, George has issues with power and control and a strong predilection
toward kink. He has a Mars-Uranus-Pluto stellium in Virgo, with Mars and Pluto
(both signifiers of sexuality) in a particularly close conjunction at the bottom
of his chart. His sexual urges are passionate and uncontrollable (Pluto), and
while he's into the unconventional (Uranus), he takes an obsessive-compulsive
approach (Virgo) to seduction (Mars-Pluto). .
George's Mars-Pluto conjunction opposes Chiron in Pisces, signifying self-destructive
or self-undermining behavior, possibly in the form of drugs and addiction as
well as his risky sexual behavior in public. Also worth noting: Chiron is on
the Midheaven, or career goal point, suggesting the way George's success has
always seemed to cause him personal discomfort, whether it's shame over his
teen-idol image, restriction within his record contract or repression of his
Moreover, Chiron forms a grand trine with George's Cancer Ascendant, signifying
the face he presents to the world, and Pisces' ruler, Neptune, which represents
fantasies, delusions, escapism and, again, addiction. While George's Neptune-Ascendant
aspect gives him a sexy mystique, it also hides a deep-seated pain and insecurity.
Right now, transiting retrograde Uranus (again, signifying kinky, unconventional
behavior) is smack dab on George's Chiron, aptly describing the shocking way
his self-destructive side surfaced in the public eye with this latest incident.
Uranus will be going backward to oppose his Mars-Pluto late this year and in
early 2007, quite possibly bringing more deviant sexual behavior to light, then
cross back and forth over his Midheaven (professional goals) up until early
2008. This could be a make-or-break time for George's career as his love of
playing with fire puts his reputation at risk, possibly irrevocably.
George, if you are reading this, I adore you and cannot bear the thought of
you wasting your talent on this self-destructive behavior! I beg you to embark
on a path of self-discovery, perhaps using all this Uranian energy to explore
occult or esoteric spirituality. Anything to help you learn to love yourself,
and harness this urge to sabotage your amazing talents before you destroy your
career or, worse, your health. The world has already tragically lost the voice
of Freddie Mercury; I don't think I can bear to see my Georgios burn
out prematurely!
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