Celeb Birthdays: July 23

Sorry for the delayed post; I was celebrating the last of my peeps' Cancer birthdays, in this case the Super Sweet One of one Miss Ella Jean. Mind you, as far as today's celebrity birthdays are concerned, we are still in a cuspy zone and there is still a chance that natal charts without birth times could reflect the wrong Sun sign, so please take such ambiguous horoscopes with a grain of salt.
Michelle Williams is 26 today. Not Heath Ledger's baby mama, the one from Destiny's Child's second string. See Michelle Williams' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Law & Order actress, and bride of Bobby Flay, Stephanie March is 32. Wow, I totally thought she was older. And I'm not just saying that to be catty, because I have been so over my crush on Bobby Flay for so long it's not even funny, and frankly he needs to get over himself. See Stephanie March's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Actor Omar Epps and the infamous Monica Lewinsky (who shares a Sun, Moon and rising sign with Bill Clinton) turn 33, as does baseball player and husband of Mia Hamm (so cute!) Nomar Garciaparra. See Monica Lewinsky's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Co-star of what looks to be the absolute worst and most ill-conceived film ever... you know, that freakish, disturbing business about the guy who is supposed to be a baby, or something?... it makes White Chicks look like Hamlet?...anyway, Marlon Wayans is 34. Dude, you were in Requiem for a Dream, what happened?! See Marlon Wayans's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Country musician Alison Krauss is 35 today. See Alison Krauss's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Oooh, I love a Buffy birthday! Cordelia Chase herself, Charisma Carpenter, is 36 today. (Sadly, Astrotheme has a chart for her that appears to be incorrect, as it lists July 20 as her birthdate, unlike any other online source I could find.)
Interesting that Axl Rose ex Stephanie Seymour, 38, shares a birthday with Axl's old bandmate Slash, 41. I'm sure there was drama about whose party he was going to attend. See Stephanie Seymour's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) ~ See Slash's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Oscar winner Philip Seymour Hoffman is 39. Read CelebAstroBlogy's prediction about his Best Actor nomination (which was unfortunately horribly wrong, but I couldn't even determine his Sun sign, okay?!) See Philip Seymour Hoffman's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
ER actor Eriq La Salle is 44. See Eriq La Salle's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Raw-food-loving actor Woody Harrelson and Depeche Mode's Martin Gore share a 45th birthday.See Martin Gore's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Taken-for-granted yet secretly beloved Hey! It's That Guy! all-star Edie McClurg is 55. You only think you don't know who she is, because you totally do. You know her just as well as you know that Ben Stein was the "Anyone? Anyone?" guy. That was a big hint, BTW.
Obnoxious radio host Don Imus is 66.
Actor Ronny Cox, who should be a Hey! It's That Guy but isn't, is 68. See Ronny Cox's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Birth dates from IMDB.com. Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.
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The astroheme links have not worked in a week. Is the site down? No pages will come up.
Wedding Lover
Weird, they work fine for me! Might you have a popup blocker or something that is keeping the new windows from opening? Just a guess... Mercury is retrograde so who knows :}
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