Naomi Campbell: Supermodel Menace to Society

Rage-filled supermodel Naomi Campbell strikes again! Already bedeviled by lawsuits from variously abused assistants, La Naomi has now delivered a one-two punch of new incidents. The statuesque sociopath is alleged to have recently caused $54,000 of damage to her boyfriend's yacht after flipping out when the apparently-death-wish-having shipboard chef dared to sass back to her criticism of his appetizer (which, in fairness, sounds like a rather unimaginative flavor pairing—come on: tomato, mozzarella and ham? This is a supermodel you're serving!) {Source}. Then, on July 10, Cuckoobird Campbell was arrested making a scene outside said (now former—go figure) boyfriend's home when she came to claim some of her belongings {Source}.
Perhaps not even astrology can account for such an abject lack of anger management skills, but an examination of Naomi's natal chart does provide something like a psychological profile for her erratic behavior. And all I can say is, someone get this menace off the streets!
In her astrological chart as in life, Naomi Campbell's volatility is not hard to spot. See Naomi Campbell's birth chart (Astrotheme) You can't throw a cell phone without hitting evidence of her diva temperament. I mean, the woman shares a birthday with the Unabomber, for Chrissake. Upon merely taking a cursory glance at her natal chart while reporting on May 22's celebrity birthdays, I remarked that:
"Naomi Campbell, 36 today, has Mars, planet of aggression, in Gemini, the sign of communication, squaring Pluto in controlling Virgo. Hence, she hits people with phones when they do not do as she pleases." {Source}
But there's more than one astrological aspect contributing to Naomi's unhinged behavior. Obsessive Pluto in Virgo also squares relationship planet Venus, which is loosely conjunct Mars, all making Naomi's interactions with people passionate at best, stormy at worst. Power struggles figure prominently in her dynamics with both men and women. Venus in turn is inconjunct Naomi's authoritative Capricorn Ascendant, making her prone to let her irritation bubble to the surface.
With her Gemini Sun (ego, self) in an out-of-sign opposition to Neptune (dreams, fantasies, glamour) in Scorpio (sex, power) on the Midheaven (career), Naomi may suffer from delusions of grandeur; as a supermodel, she is a big-time buyer of her own hype. Her infamous remark about never getting out of bed for less than $10,000 is characteristic of the swelled-head influence of dreamy Neptune on the MC.
Mercury, planet of communication and ruler of her Gemini Sun-Venus, is conjunct Saturn, ruler of her Capricorn Ascendant, in stubborn Taurus, makes her incredibly obstinate and dead set on getting her point across. It is difficult for her to let go or walk away from an argument, and she will say some downright harsh things to establish dominance over her adversary.
At the time of the July 10 incident at her then-boyfriend's place, transiting Venus was approaching a conjunction to Naomi's Mars, exacerbating her propensity toward lover's quarrels. And retrograde Uranus, the volatile, disruptive force, was moving into a sextile with her stubborn Mercury-Saturn conjunction. That obstinate need to be right is backed up with a tendency to go ballistic out of nowhere.
Since Uranus is retrograde and will re-form the sextile to Naomi's Mercury-Saturn in February–March 2007, she needs to get herself into anger management therapy stat and work on the way she relates to people. Otherwise the tempestuous glamazon will continue to leave a trail of strewn phones, battered assistants and trashed luxury yachts in her wake. If she doesn't get her rage under control by next September, when Saturn forms a T-square to her Sun-Midheaven opposition, Naomi will be in store for a rough reality check and may see her ego come crashing down to earth.
Until then, if you come across the Unabomber of the catwalk, call 911 immediately. Wait quietly until the authorities arrive, do exactly as Naomi says, and meekly accept her criticism of any appetizers you may have prepared.
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Little correction- it was ubermodel LINDA EVANGELISTA who made the remark about not wanting to get out of bed for less than 10 grand ... makes perfect astrological sense given that she has her Sun in Taurus, dont'cha think?
Oh thanks! My bad, I totally thought that was Naomi's quote. Certainly, we Taurus Suns do not like to get out of bed unless absolutely necessary :)
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