A Birthday Forecast for Lil' Kim

July 11 was the 31st birthday of Kimberly Jones, a.k.a. Lil' Kim, who happens to hail from my nabe in Brooklyn. For her birthday, Kim got early release from prison, eight months into a year-long sentence. As promised, here's an astrological forecast for the Queen Bee's B-day. We could be seeing a whole new side of her in the coming year.
Her natal moon in spotlight-loving Leo, the sign of royalty, is the force behind Kim's Queen Bee persona and the larger-than-life presence she manages to convey even with her pint-size frame. See Lil' Kim's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
A difficult yod configuration with Neptune in Sagittarius and Pluto in Libra putting pressure on her Mars in Taurus may be what gives Kim the urge to aggressively express her sexuality (Mars) in an earthy, sensual way (Taurus). This configuration also describes her contention that money (Taurus), power (Pluto) and respect (Libra) are the key to life (idealistic Neptune in philosophical Sag).
Unfortunately Kim's exact time of birth is unknown, so the Moon's precise position cannot be pinpointed. Depending on what time of day she was born, Kim's moon could be receiving a conjunction from transiting Saturn, signifying that she is in the process of major emotional lessons; or getting an opposition from Neptune, forcing her to confront her image in the public eye as a feminine symbol.
With Neptune in Aquarius inconjuncting her Sun in Cancer, expect to see a subtle but deep-rooted shift in Kim's public image. She may pull a Martha and emerge from prison into the media spotlight as a different, more centered woman.
Transiting Pluto, which rules power, sexuality and transformation, is opposing Kim's natal Mercury, the planet of communication, which will be exact early in 2007. Her lyrics could get raunchier and edgier, or she could even do a complete 180° in terms of what she speaks for and about. Uranus will trine her Sun in spring '07, again fostering an unpredictable change in Kim's identity. She might become even more outrageous in defying social boundaries... or perhaps she will make the most shocking transformation imaginable and become conservative and respectable.
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