Celeb Birthdays: July 13

Corey Clark, former American Idol contestant and possible contributor to Paula Abdul's meltdown, is 26.
B-list Up-and-coming actress Ashley Scott is 29. See
Ashley Scott's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
R&B singers Deborah Cox, 32, and Gerald Levert, 40, share a birthday today. See Deborah Cox's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Right about now, Fatboy Slim is turning 43. HAR! Get it?!?!
Director Cameron Crowe is 49. See Cameron Crowe's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Phil Margera, Bam's dad, is 49. You know, it really upsets me when his son whales on him like that. I think they need serious family therapy to get to the root of all that aggression.
Country singer Louise Mandrell is 52. See Louise Mandrell's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Didi Conn of Grease and Benson is 55.
Actress Daphne Maxwell-Reid is 58.
A very happy 60th to Cheech Marin! I think we can all guess what's in his birthday cake.... See Cheech Marin's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Harrison Ford, living screen legend who rarely comes out of his notoriously private Cancer shell, is 64. I'm sure Calista will put frosting on a rice cake or something. See Harrison Ford's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Highbrow actor and Star Trek captain Patrick Stewart, who seems to have such a jolly and open attitude, is 66. See Patrick Stewart's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Cajun chef Paul Prudhomme is also 66.
Hogan's Heroes' Bob Crane would have been 78 today. I rarely include birthdays of dead celebs, but I mention this because his chart is kinda interesting as a study of people with secret kinky double lives who are eventually shot dead. Check out the concentration on the east side of the chart, the Sun-Venus-Pluto conjunction in Cancer, the Mars-Jupiter-Chiron conjunction in Taurus, and the Gemini Ascendant opposed by Saturn. See Bob Crane's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Birth dates from IMDB.com. Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.
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