Celeb Birthdays: July 7

What a grand day is today! Happy birthday to my sweet angel, the all-American symbol of all that makes America great, the queen of the ice princesses, Michelle Kwan, who turns 26 today. I thought about doing a solar return chart for M.Kwa, but decided it would be too depressing given that her career is pretty much done. Instead, please enjoy CelebAstroBlogy's tribute to Michelle's Taurus Moon dream of Olympian gold. Maybe next lifetime, M.K.! See Michelle Kwan's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
It's a banner day for women's sports, obv, as WNBA star Lisa Leslie turns 34.
Wow. First Michelle and now this... my celebrity birthday cup runneth over, I tell ya. Robia LaMorte, who turns 36 today, is one of a very rare and special breed of (semi-)celebrities. Why, you ask? Well, Miss LaMorte has the distinction of having played Jenny Calendar on Buffy AND, as I just discovered thanks to the magic of SoapNet and DVR, the unmemorable hardened-girl-from-NYC-who-had-been-raped-but-opened-her-heart-to-Brandon-Walsh-and-learned-to-trust-again on 90210. In case you were wondering, other stars who have appeared on both of my all-time favorite shows include Emma Caulfield (Anya/another of Brandon's unmemorable girlfriends), Seth Green (Oz/Brenda's geeky blind date from Princeton School for Boys), and of course, Torrance High School (Sunnydale High/West Beverly High). (Shoutout to my boy MQ for the tip on Torrance, which also happens to be Michelle Kwan's birthplace. OMG, we've come full circle!)
Jorja Fox of CSI, which I don't watch and have no opinion on, is 38. See Jorja Fox's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Comedian (I think...) Jim Gaffigan is 40.
Actresss-comedian Mo Collins is 41. See Mo Collins' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Outspoken blogger and left-wing commentator Arianna Huffington is 46. See Arianna Huffington's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Actress Shelley Duvall is 57. See Shelley Duvall 's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Joel Siegel is 63. See Joel Siegel's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Beatles drummer Ringo Starr is 66. See Ringo Starr's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Birth dates from IMDB.com. Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.
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