Poll of the Week: Why Are There No Photos of Suri?

One of the most awesome-tastic things about the new Celeb AstroBlogy forums is that we now have the ability to add bells and whistles compelling interactive functionality like polls to the site. So please join us to vote in CelebAstroBlogy's first-ever Poll of the Week!
Following up on our recent post covering the burning question "Does Suri Cruise Really Exist?", this week's poll question is:
Why haven't we seen photos of Suri Cruise yet?
If you don't see your opinion among the multiple-choice poll options, please post a comment. Surely by putting all our heads together, we can figure out what happened to poor Suri, and rescue her if she fell down a well or something!
• Related: Does Suri Cruise Really Exist? (6/22/06)
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