Celeb Birthdays: June 28

I grudgingly acknowledge the semi-celebrity status of American Idol contestant Kellie Pickler, who turns 20 today. ~ Read CelebAstroBlogy's American Idol analysis
Writer-actor-producer Mike White (School of Rock) turns 36.
Actor Gil Bellows is 39. See Gil Bellows' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Adorably dorky-cool actor John Cusack is 40. Shoutout to reader T., who requested a J.C. birthday reading! Here goes: John has an expansive Sun-Jupiter conjunction in sensitive Cancer that describes his quirky mix of energies: warm and charming yet simultaneously neurotic and closed off. The Moon in Scorpio (possibly conjunct Neptune, decribing his heartthrob status to a generation of girls who watched The Sure Thing and Say Anything), plus the Saturn-Chiron conjunction in late Pisces, add to the water sign emphasis in his chart and his sensitive-guy appeal that, again, inspires female devotion disproportionate to his looks. (I say this as someone who has found the guy crushworthy for the past 21 years, but let's face it, as a physical specimen he's no Brad Pitt!)
This is a bit of a bumpy solar return for John, unfortch; he was born at an almost exact pass of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo that was in orb throughout the late '60s, and transiting Uranus in Pisces is currently opposing that point. This would seem to have manifested in the form of one cuckoobird woman who finds John a little too crushable, and hence has been stalking (Pluto) him, acting erratically and disruptively (Uranus) and threatening self-destructive behavior (Pisces) if he doesn't reach out to her. (Sorry, John, I thought you'd think it was cute! Call me!) {Source} He's also going through his Venus return and is about to go through his Mercury return, so he'll be doing some reflecting around his birthday on the way he conducts his relationships. With so much water in his chart, including that easily hurt Saturn-Chiron conjunction in vulnerable Pisces, John may have gone the way of many Scorpio-Moon men and closed off his emotions to avoid getting hurt. Without knowing his birth time, I'm not sure exactly where his Moon is, but with Jupiter crossing over it at some point in the coming months, while Uranus is still putting pressure on that Uranus-Pluto conjunction, he may be opening up that Pandora's box of Scorpionic emotion right quick. Will this be the year John finally gives his heart to a woman for the long haul? I'm not quite holding my breath, but it should be interesting to see who he hooks up with next. Happy birthday, John! See John Cusack's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Mary Stuart Masterson, so adorably butch in Some Kind of Wonderful, also turns 40 today. See Mary Stuart Masterson's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time
Actress Alice Krige is 52. See Alice Krige's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Misery actress Kathy Bates turns 58. See Kathy Bates' birth chart (Astrotheme)
Actor Bruce Davison is 60.
Comic legend Mel Brooks is 80. See Mel Brooks' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
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Birth dates from IMDB.com. Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.
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