Steve-O, Uranus Is Showing

Sound the trumpets: A new birth chart has been added to the Celebrity Charts Vault. As promised, I have posted the natal horoscope of public urinator, unabashed drug user, rebound fling of Nicole Richie and all-around professional jackass Steve-O, born Steven Gilchrist Glover {Source}.
See Steve-O's birth chart ~ Exclusive to; no birth time
Now, you just know that Uranus is going to be prominent in the birth chart when someone dedicates his entire life to doing unexpected, shocking, immature, convention-defying stunts like urinating in public and showing his, well, anus at every opportunity. Sure enough, Steve-O's impulsive, mischievous Gemini Sun forms a trine with Uranus in Libra. Rocking the boat is second nature to him. Uranus also opposes Chiron in Aries, the "wounded" asteroid, suggesting the bodily-injury-prone nature of his brand of humor and the "kids, don't try this at home" disapproval it engenders.
The square between Saturn and Pluto, plus the sextile between Mars in fiery Leo and Pluto, suggest a tendency to challenge authority figures and assert his own power, aggressively if necessary. His Sun-Jupiter square in mutable signs makes Steve-O suggestible and prone to overdo and go too far. Watch out for his behavior to get even more out of control as Uranus transits his Jupiter in spring 2007.
Depending on the time of day he was born, Steve-O could have a self-destructive, addictive Pisces Moon, or an impulsive, aggressive Aries Moon, possibly opposing his Pluto. Of course, if you have any information on Steve-O's birth time, please email me or post a comment. My guess would be that he was born either with Aquarius rising or Uranus on the Ascendant.
Labels: Nicole Richie
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