Does Suri Cruise Really Exist?

When I first analyzed Suri Cruise's birth horoscope {See Suri Cruise's birth chart ~ Exclusive to Celeb AstroBlogy} back in April, I noted the presence of Neptune on her Ascendant* and observed:
Suri has Aquarius, sign of the public and mass communication (including the Internet) rising.* The rising sign, or Ascendant, describes a person's outer appearance or the face they project to the world, as well as the birth and start of life. With Neptune, the planet of fantasy and illusion, in Aquarius (again, the sign of mass communication) conjuncting the Ascendant,* there is a veil of mystery or deception cloaking the circumstances of Suri's birth and true identity.... (Perhaps incidentally, Neptune is often prominent in the birth charts of people who are adopted.) {Source}
Well, folks, that was two months ago, and so far Suri has projected no face at all to the world. In the past few weeks, Kingston Rossdale has taken up tennis, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has modeled for magazine covers and even friggin' Mira Sorvino's D-list baby has made his appearance. Yet the spawn of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes has made nary a peep, negotiated no photo rights deals, nor even emerged as a mass of swaddling blankets. The nebulous Neptune-Ascendant aspect seems more apt by the day. At this point people are starting to wonder: Does Suri really exist? Are the conspiracy theories about Katie's pregnancy being a sham actually true?
There certainly is a cloud around Suri's true nature in her birth chart, and suggestions of her identity being ephemeral or intangible. In addition to Neptune in Aquarius on the Ascendant, Suri also has Venus conjunct unpredictable Uranus in Neptune-ruled Pisces in her 1st house.* When two planets are in the sign the other rules, as Uranus and Neptune are in Suri's chart (and in effect in the heavens from 2003–2008) they are said to be in "mutual reception,", vibing with and strengthening each other. Obviously Aquarius (the public, the media, mass communication) and Pisces (deception, delusion, fantasy) are interwoven in Suri's chart, if indeed she exists. "Suri" may actually be short for "surreal."
Venus conjunct Uranus hints at something very unconventional and unexpected about the relationships in her life, particularly with women. The Moon, representing emotions and the mother, is conjunct secretive Pluto, perhaps echoing this theme. Could Suri herself be the secret, the unexpected female, in the sense of being nonexistent, or being a baby-for-hire that her parents are now scrambling to obtain and reveal to the world?
Tom Cruise's own horoscope may hold some hints. Tom also has Neptune prominent in his chart, as it squares his Saturn, trines (and rules) his Jupiter-Chiron, inconjuncts his Sun and sextiles his Pluto. See Tom Cruise's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Right now, transiting Jupiter is conjuncting Tom's natal Neptune, while being squared by the transiting Mars-Saturn conjunction on his Leo Moon. The element of Neptune-ruled deception is taking up more and more of his life, but he is feeling a lot of emotional pressure to express how he really feels. He may be locked into a certain M.O. that he is now bursting to break free from.
Meanwhile, Uranus has just passed Tom's Jupiter-Chiron in Neptune-ruled Pisces and is about to retrograde back over them, which could augur the sudden exposure of a deep, dark, painful secret...some skeleton in Tom's *cough* closet. A revelation could come in early September, when Uranus touches Tom's Jupiter, or around November 20 when Uranus stations right on Tom's Chiron. A final window for an "I am what I am" epiphany comes in late January 2007, when direct Uranus makes its last pass over Tom's Jupiter.
So, as with the so-called "moon" "landing," we may never know for sure whether Suri's birth was a purely Hollywood-concocted event. But it does seem like cracks are showing in the facade of the Neptunian world of illusion Tom has created around himself. Perhaps Katie will build up a tolerance to the horse tranquilizers and appetite suppressants they've been pumping her full of, and finally crack under the pressure of living the lie. When Neptune is involved, we can always dream....
*Update: Suri's birth certificate is now on file! Find out how this changes her chart.
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Labels: Celebrity Babies, Katie Holmes, Suri Cruise, Tom Cruise
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