A Bittersweet 64th Birthday for Paul McCartney

I feel so sad for Sir Paul McCartney. He turns 64 today, and as I recently reported, he will ironically be spending the birthday he once sang about alone. But since I wrote about his breakup, even more information has come out about just what a skanky hosebeast his soon-to-be-ex-wife Heather Mills is, what with the porno and all. (Although whatever else you can say about their marriage, little Beatrice is awfully cute.)
In his solar return (birthday) chart for 2006, Paul's Sun is on the Midheaven opposing Pluto, suggesting that he will be focusing his energy on his career this year in order to get distance from the transformations taking place in his home life.
With mutable signs on all four angles of the chart (the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house cusps), the coming year will find Paul feeling less than in control of his life, as if he is reacting to other people rather than making decisions on his own. He has a lot of mutable energy in his natal chart anyway, so it really is tough for him to be on his own right now.
Following the post on Paul and Heather, a reader wrote in asking what made Paul and Linda so perfect together. These two air signs had a beautifully harmonious relationship, with her Sun in Libra, the sign of partnership, conjunct the cusp of Paul's 7th house of relationships. ~ See Paul McCartney's birth chart (Astrotheme) ~ See Linda McCartney's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Paul's Venus opposed Linda's Moon-Venus; his Sun-Mercury was on her Jupiter; and her Sun squared his Jupiter, all showing good rapport and an ability to grow together. As previously discussed, the rapport thing... not so much with Capricorn Heather.
I would like to see Paul happy again soon, and I would like to venture a suggestion, which I am very excited about, regarding who might fill the hole in his life.
There just happens to be a very beautiful woman who, like Linda, has her Sun in ean early degree of romantic Libra, in Paul's 7th house of partnership. And like Paul, this woman happens to be a decades-spanning pop icon with a cute accent and a perennial cherubic smile. Also like Paul, she happens to have recently had her heart broken by a partner who turned out to be not what he seemed.
Ladies and gentlemen, I submit for your consideration as the next Lady McCartney one Olivia Newton-John.
Think about it: After her brave cancer battle and his late wife's brave cancer battle and the two two-faces they last hooked up with.... Do any two people deserve a happy ending more?!?!
Related: Paul McCartney: Turning 64 and Single (5/21/06)
Labels: Paul McCartney
Hi - just stumbled across your blog and have to say, I've enjoyed it. One place I have to disagree with you, however, is in regards to Sir Paul's next wife. That would have to be another Libra Sun with Moon in Venus person - me! ;-)
Tongue-in-cheekfully yours.....
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