In November, when Anna was hospitalized, allegedly for flu-like symptoms, I
warned of transiting Neptune's
influence, creating a dreamy, escapist, fantasy-world mentality as it squared
her Mercury. {Full
story}At the time of her death*, the Sun
was almost exactly conjunct Neptune, in an almost exact square to her Mercury.
This speaks to an urge to blot out consciousness, and what may have been a confused
miscalculation about self-medicating.
The transiting Sun and Neptune are trining
Anna's Venus, adding
to the picture of a self-indulgent illusion.
Transiting Saturn
in Leo is within 2 1/2° of an opposition
to the Sun-Neptune conjunction, forming a T-square with Anna's Mercury. Obviously,
this represents the harsh limit to Anna's escapist mentality -- and to her ambition
for the spotlight.
Pluto is also squaring
Anna's Uranus ...
could dark, conspiratorial forces be operating under the surface? Or does this
represent the demons stirring under the surface of Anna's plastic facade for
so long?
I wish I had Anna's exact time of birth and death, but so far the picture,
cloudy though Neptune makes it, seems to suggest more an accidental overdose
for someone who had been living in a fog too long, than a calculated plot.
More on this complex tale soon ... we haven't gotten to the bottom of this
by any means. Even before Anna's death I had intended to do a reading for her sketchy partner Howard, and now that insight may be even more crucial. Stay tuned....
*I have calculated a chart for Anna's death based on estimates from current
available reports but will hold off posting an event chart until a more exact
time can be identified. Thanks much to Reader T for helping out with the data
• Namaste,
Anna Nicole Smith (2/8/07)
• Astrology
and the Anna Nicole Saga, Part III: Neptune and Anna's Hospitalization (11/01/06)
• Astrology
and the Anna Nicole Saga, Part II: Anna's Baby Daughter's Birth Chart (10/18/06)
• Astrology
and the Anna Nicole Saga, Part I: Daniel Smith's Birth Chart (10/16/06)
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