Site Update: New Celebrity Search and Categories!

In typical late-adopting Taurus fashion, I just switched over to the new version of Blogger (just in time for the Mercury station Tuesday night...) and I am pleased to announce that you can now find posts about your favorite celebrities tagged and organized by category. That means you won't be seeing any more "related" links at the bottom of stories, but you can just click on the label to read everything on CelebAstroBlogy to date about that celebrity.
In case you were wondering, the most voluminous categories to date are Angelina Jolie (15 posts) and Brad Pitt (12 posts), followed by Britney Spears, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban (each tied at 11 posts).
Also, users posting comments will now have to type in a word to prove that they are real people. Sorry for the extra step, folks, but hopefully this will save me some time having to wade through and delete spam comments when there are so many more fun things to be doing!
Namaste, KittyTaurus
Labels: CelebAstroBlogy Updates
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