Celeb Birthdays: April 4

Jeeze Louise, today's celebrity birthday roll call reads like a cast of After-school Special characters. Check out the many cautionary examples of why drugs and premarital sex are bad, mmmkay?
Pregutante Jamie Lynn Spears, whom I ironically called "the most mature and sophisticated member of her family by a country mile" two years ago, is 17. I'm thinking of doing a post on how she'll handle motherhood. Interest? Anyone? Anyone? See Jamie Lynn Spears' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Singer Johnny Borrell of Razorlight, a.k.a. the British dude who dumped Kirsten Dunst before she went into rehab, is 28.
Sadly, the late Heath Ledger, whom I ironically called "all-around sickeningly-perfect-life-having" two years ago, did not go into rehab. He would have been 29 today ... namaste, dude. Read CelebAstroBlogy posts about Heath Ledger
Speaking of rehab, actress Natasha Lyonne is 29, although she looks about 40. No, actually, she looks a bit better lately; I hope she makes a comeback, because she really is talented. See Natasha Lyonne's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
X-Games medalist Dave Mirra is 34. I got nothin'.
Complete tool David Blaine is 35. See David Blaine's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Singer-actress Jill Scott is 36.
1997 called to remind me that bassist Magnus Sveningsson of the Cardigans is 36.
Actor Barry Pepper, who is an actor from Saving Private Ryan rather than a Willy Wonka character as you might guess from his name, is 38. See Barry Pepper's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Beastie Boys DJ Mix Master Mike is 38.
Actress Nancy McKeon, a.k.a. butchy Jo on The Facts of Life, whom I ironically called "The Facts of Life's butchie Jo" two years ago, is 42. See Nancy McKeon's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Speaking once more of rehab, triumphantly comebacked (cameback? Comedback?) former train wreck Robert Downey, Jr., is 43. See Robert Downey, Jr.'s birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
The beyond fabulous Tobias Fünke, a.k.a. David Cross, is 44. Wait a minute, IMDB lists a 2009 Arrested Development movie as having been "announced." Is this just wishful thinking? Don't toy with me like this, Interwebs! See David Cross's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Actor Robbie Rist, a.k.a. the reviled Cousin Oliver on The Brady Bunch, is 44, which should make everyone feel extremely old. Ironically, being an old-school child star, he has never been in rehab (as far as I know, not that I've really followed his "career" "trajectory").
Comedian Graham Norton is 45.
TV producer David E. Kelley is 52, and gets to sleep with Michelle Pfeiffer. See David E. Kelley's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Actress Mary-Margaret Humes, a.k.a. the mom on Dawson's Creek, is 54.
Actress Christine Lahti is 58. See Christine Lahti's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Actor Craig T. Nelson, a.k.a. Coach, is 64. See Craig T. Nelson's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Writer Kitty Kelley (no relation to David E., to my knowledge) is 66. See Kitty Kelley's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Actress Estelle Harris, a.k.a. George Costanza's mom, is 76.
Music mogul Clive Davis is 76. Wonder if Kelly Clarkson sent a card?
Writer Maya Angelou is 80. I don't believe she has ever been in rehab. See Maya Angelou's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Birth dates from IMDB.com and/or Wikipedia. Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.
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Labels: Aries Celebrity Birthdays, Heath Ledger
The Jamie Lynn story looks interesting...Trashy, but interesting :-)
Oh my god the Pisces stellium going on now is pretty much conjunct my Moon- I understand what you mean!
Jamie-Lynn? How about a Britney one first. ;)
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