Justin Dumps Cameron: I Totally Called It!

Finally something has gone right with the world. I was really starting to worry there, what with the marriage rumors and all, but at last Justin Timberlake has come to his senses. Page Six reports that he has dumped a "devastated" Cameron Diaz for being "too clingy":
Timberlake has shown Cameron Diaz the door, so he can sow his wild oats. The hit-making horndog axed his love of three years because, "he's poised to leave on a world tour and he wants to be free," says veteran gossip Janet Charlton.... "She was just too clingy." {Source}
First of all: Sweet! Second of all: Gosh, why does that sound eerily familiar, almost as if I had foretold it? Oh, that's right, I DID!!! Here's what I had to say back in March, when I expressed my wish that Justin would stop the insanity, cut Cameron loose and rejoin his one true love, Britney Spears:
...[C]ome on, a Virgo with Cancer rising [Cameron] and a Taurus Moon, and an Aquarius with Leo rising and a Sag Moon [Justin]? I'm guessing that from moment one, Cameron has been trying to sink her claws of commitment into Justin while he bobs and weaves.... With all that air and fire, Justin does not need an earth-sign ball and chain like Cameron. And in fairness, she certainly doesn't need a hard-to-pin-down Aquarian constantly denying her the sense of security her Taurus Moon craves....
With upheaval-inducing Uranus transiting his 7th house of relationships (it won't be out once and for all until 2009), this is no time for Justin to settle down in a marriage; he is working on his own issues and going through a lot of inner change and turmoil....
I can't wait until May, when Justin's progressed Moon contacts his natal Uranus in Scorpio. Some intense feelings that he has been suppressing may boil to the surface at this time. I can only hope that this Uranian upheaval will mean that Justin bursts free of Cameron's clutches. {Source}
Indeed, although the couple still denies it {Source}, clearly it is only a matter of time before reps confirm that all my hopes have come to pass. Justin's progressed Moon right now is at 0° of freedom-loving Sagittarius (his natal Moon sign), within 1° of his natal Uranus, ruler of his Aquarius Sun. Maybe having his progressed Moon in Scorpio made Justin vibe better with Cam's Cancer Moon, also a water sign, but the transition to Sag and the conjunction with Uranus sent him scrambling for his personal freedom. ~ See Justin Timberlake's birth chart (Astrotheme) ~ See Cameron Diaz's birth chart (Astrotheme)
This breakup news comes just as transiting Uranus turns retrograde in Justin's 7th house of partnership, which, as I mentioned in March, it has been shaking up for quite some time. So far, everything is going exactly according to plan. Justin can release his album and sow his oats while Britney deals with popping out her second baby and kicking Kevin Federline to the curb. Then, with all that unpleasantness behind them, J.T. and Brit-Brit will be free and ready to reunite.
As I have previously noted, it may take until the end of 2008, when Jupiter plays matchmaker, for Justin and Britney to come together and fulfill their destiny as soulmates. But what is meant to be must come to pass sooner or later! Congratulations to Justin on finally cutting Ball-and-Chain Diaz loose. I just know this is only the beginning!
• Update: Cameron Confirmed to Be a Controlling Virgo (3/25/06)
• Justin and Cameron: Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! (3/9/06)
Labels: Cameron Diaz, Celebrity Couples, Justin Timberlake
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