A Not-So-Blind Star Item
Okay, this is a real dilemma of journalistic ethics for me. There is one individual I have vowed never, ever to name on CelebAstroBlogy, although occasionally necessity dictates that I make tangential reference to her, in which case she is known only as She Who Shall Not Be Named, For Publicity Feeds Her Horrible Power. I have long maintained an unspoken rule that her skanky antics, almost daily fodder for scorn and derision though they may be, shall not be mentioned in this blog, because—I can't stress this enough, people—publicity feeds her horrible power.
But now I am forced to break my silence, because this wretched wench has gone too far. Not only is she making excuses for her whorish behavior, she is blaming, of all things, the zodiac.
A new report has SWSNBN,FPFHHP claiming that her Aquarius Sun sign is responsible for her nonstop partying. {Source} This is absolutely ridiculous. Yes, Aquarians are very social, and she certainly fits the detached Aquarian stereotype of being acquaintances with everyone and truly intimate with no one. But the fact is that everyone has the potential to use the energy in his or her birth chart positively or negatively. Astrology never compels you to do anything; you always have a choice in how the planetary energy will manifest.
As a matter of fact, SWSNBN,FPFHHP is not making good use of her horoscope potential at all. With a Sun-Mercury conjunction and a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, she could be pushing herself to achieve instead of racking up veneral diseases. Maybe it's rebellious, volatile Uranus at 0°00" Sagittarius, ruler of and forming an out-of-sign square to her Aquarius Sun-Mercury, that provokes this blight on celebrity culture to travel the world crashing into parked cars and making amateur porn. See She Who Shall Not Be Named, For Publicity Feeds Her Horrible Power's birth chart (Astrotheme)
But really, there is nothing in her astrological chart that can explain away quite what a poor human being she is. If I were not convinced of that before, her maligning the zodiac for her own shortcomings would definitely seal the deal. Leave the planets out of this, lady—they want no part of your whoraciousness!
Labels: She Who Shall Not Be Named For Publicity Feeds Her Horrible Power
Stuuuuupid Paris!!
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