Mariska Hargitay Has a Baby Boy

I don't even understand my own interest in Law & Order: SVU actress Mariska Hargitay, but I have a strange place in my heart for her. Maybe it's that I feel for her having famously witnessed the shocking and tragic death of her mother, Jayne Mansfield, as a child, and applaud her going on to lead such a happy and successful life. Maybe it's that she's so good at portraying a tough, butchy cop with a dark backstory on TV (mirroring her own real-life maternal drama, she plays a child of rape who went on to be a sex-crimes cop) and then seems so cute and sunny in real life in her pretty, flowery maternity dresses. Seriously, I don't know what it is, but Mariska was one cute pregnant woman.
Now that she has given birth to her first son (name unconfirmed as of, um, press time*) almost 40 years to the day after her mother's death, I am ridiculously happy for her. The coincidence of the dates seems like a symbol of the circle of life; with the birth of her own child, it's like Mariska's triumph over tragedy is on some level complete. {Source ~ thanks to Celebrity Baby Blog poster Emily for pointing out that today is the anniversary of Jayne's death.} On this joyous occasion, I thought I'd take a quick peep at Mariska's horoscope.
Mariska's Sun-Mars conjunction in Aquarius in the 1st house describes that vaguely butchy-androgynous vibe (Mars embodies the masculine principle in both men's and women's charts), while the Capricorn Ascendant fits her tough, serious image on SVU. ~ See Mariska Hargitay's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Her Moon (representing the mother) is exalted in Taurus but forms a difficult T-square with Saturn in Aquarius and Neptune in Scorpio. The Moon-Neptune opposition represents Jayne's status as an iconic sex symbol as well as the mystery and sensation surrounding her death, while Saturn speaks to the hardship and alienation Mariska must have felt losing her mother in such a public (Aquarius) way.
Further reflecting the pain in Mariska's past is the conjunction of Venus (relationships) in Chiron (wounding) in sensitive Pisces (the subconscious) in the 2nd house, opposing the volatile, powerful Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo in the 8th house of loss and change. The stability and security that a Taurus Moon native like Mariska needs can be tenuous; in the back of her mind may be fears that anyone or anything she counts on for emotional support will be yanked out from under her. But with her strong Sun-Mars conjunction in fixed Aquarius and resilient, determined Capricorn Ascendant, Mariska has obviously not let the past hold her back.
Her new son has his Moon, representing the mother, in fiercely loyal Leo, possibly conjunct Saturn or Mars* and opposing Mariska's Sun-Mars. His Cancer Sun trines Mariska's Venus, while his Venus in Gemini trines her Sun-Mars. There will be a powerful bond between mother and child, with the Leo Moon describing her passionate protectiveness. While transiting Chiron passing over Mariska's Mars speaks to a lingering sense of pain over the anniversary of her mother's death, the T-square with Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Leo suggests a deep, powerful process of growth and transformation spurred by her son's birth. Nurturing a new life is perhaps finally allowing her to fully heal.
There is also a possible physical manifestation of these aspects. I've found that transiting Chiron is prominent in the charts of women when they have C-sections (see also: Angelina Jolie), and indeed, Mariska required a Caesarean to bring her almost-11-pound (!!!) son into the world. I have to say I'm a little worried about her postpartum recovery with transiting Chiron on her 1st-house Mars being opposed by transiting Saturn. With that Mars-Saturn opposition, she should take it really easy in her recovery and not push herself to be up and about too soon. Hopefully Saturn in Mariska's 7th house of partnership means that she is leaning on her husband Peter Hermann to be her rock and take care of everything for her, rather than signifying pressure and stress on the relationship due to the new arrival.
Congratulations to Mariska and Peter!
*UPDATE: Mariska's son is evidently named August and was born at 3:21 PM (PDT) in Los Angeles, giving him a Scorpio Ascendant that conjuncts Mariska's Jupiter and a Moon-Mars conjunction in Leo. {Source ~ thanks again, CBB!}
Labels: Celebrity Babies, Mariska Hargitay
"Mirroring her own real-life maternal drama...."
Mariska is not a real life child of rape, so what on earth do you mean ?
Read what you wrote about her in her bio. She is not the product of a rape.
Mariska's Dad is either Mickey Hargitay or an Italian actor named Nelson Sardelli. Interesting that Mariska can speak Italian. Hargitay raised Mariska as his own but Sardelli claimed he was her father. It wa ssaid that Jayne Mansfield had an affair with, Sardelli.
I like Mariska a lot and wish her well. I hope she is able to commune with her mother, because spirits are around us all. I read a story about how one of Jayne's sons was overheard talking to someone after Jayne's death. "Who are you talking to ?" he was asked. "Mommy", he answered. And the child said she came to visit him a lot. Bless Jayne and all her children.
Sorry, I guess that phrase I used about mirroring her real-life drama was ambiguous. I didn't mean to imply that Mariska was herself a child of rape, only that both she and her character share a tragic backstory involving their mothers. I think the fact that her own life has been touched by family tragedy informs how well she plays that role. She really deserved that Emmy.
I never heard the rumor about the Italian actor... thought it was so sweet what she said about her dad at the Emmys (I was THRILLED that she won and she looked so radiant!! Also I like that she doesn't look like a stick 3 months after giving birth...) I assumed she was referring to Mickey and that he has been the father figure in her life. Either way I share your good wishes for the family and I'm so pleased that Mariska looks so happy.
Mariska's DADDY was Mickey Hargitay...he raised her. If he was not the biological donor, it doesn't matter. He was the one who raised her and was there for her...supported her emotionally all those years...and believed in her when she didn't believe in herself. THAT is a father.
If you look at pictures of Nelson Sardelli: and one of his daughters Giovanna:
and compare them to Mariska:
There is no doubt in my mind that there is blood relation.
(also) not that it 100% matters. Nobody knows the story of why Nelson Sardelli isn't documented as her biological father. She loved Mickey and that's what matters. But doesn't everyone like to be honest?
Just a correction, Nelson Sardelli is Brazilian... Italian descendent, as many people (including myself) are in Southern/Southeastern Brazil. I bet he doesn't even speak italian, hehe =P
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