Poll of the Week: Will Pam Anderson and Kid Rock Make It to the Altar?

So, after getting engaged and then breaking up for a good number of years, Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock have once again announced plans to wed. And I'm not sure whether or not to be happy about this. Pam sure does seem to have a pattern of repeat relationships with the same man (see also Tommy Lee), but could this be the one that finally sticks?
On the one hand, Pam and Kid are actually a good match as far as their Sun signs are concerned. A Cancer woman and Capricorn man can make for a cozy white-picket-fence type of traditional family unit. And one thing these two definitely have in common, skanky as they both may be, is love for their sons. They do seem to make a nice extended family together with their boys. Also, Kid's Sun in Capricorn is square Pam's Moon in Aries, a nice aspect for romantic tension between a man and woman.
But beyond that, I'm not so sure that they really have a strong bond. Their Suns are not in aspect to each other, and Pam's Cancer Sun inconjuncts Kid's Venus in Sagittarius, an awkward angle as far as their ability to meet each other's relationship needs. She craves security while he might well be happy living on the road with a string of groupies as his companions. ~ See Pamela Anderson's birth chart (Astrotheme) ~ See Kid Rock's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Because I am so torn about this couple, and really want Pam to be happy and treated right, I seek your judgment, gentle readers, in determining whether or not their love is real. Thus, this week's Poll of the Week is:
Will Pam Anderson and Kid Rock make it to the altar this time? ~ Vote now!
Voting closes Saturday, July 29. Check back Sunday, July 30 for the results!
Find more web pages about: Pamela Anderson
Labels: Kid Rock, Pamela Anderson, Polls
According to the Magi Society ("M.S."), the INCONJUNCT is a magical (benevolent) angle like the trine, except when the planet Saturn is involved. This may explain why J. Timberlake and C. Diaz are still together in spite of their inconjunct suns. With Saturn, the inconjunct angle becomes evil. So, according to the M.S., Pam's Sun inconjunct her guy's Venus is a cupid linkage. Sorry, nothing further; this couple is not my cup of tea. Oh wait! The M.S. also says that couples need at least one Chiron superlinkage to help get them to the altar (that's when the 1st person has a Chiron aspect, then the 2nd person has a planet that connects to both of 1st person's Chiron aspect planets). Pam & beau seem to have such a Chiron superlinkage. So will it last? Maybe for a couple of Hollywood years, or less. Ha ha ha, good luck anyway.
Justin/Cam have a Chiron/Mars/Juno superlinkage, which is not as powerful I would think as a superlinkage involving Chiron + Venus/Jupiter/Neptune would be. But I guess their mostly physical superlinkage will have to do. Cam/Justin do have a Chiron trine Mars connection (marital lust), and the M.S. says that a Chiron/Mars connection will make the man marry the woman. We'll see. The M.S.'s fascinating explanation as to why Justin & Britney didn't marry is that they don't have the necessary Chiron connections.
One good basic measure of compatibility they share is Venus/Mars aspects. In synastry this gives sexual compatibility. Pam's Venus in Leo is square KR' Mars in Scorpio. Pam's Mars in Libra sextiles KR's Venus in Sagittarius. So they probably have something good going on between the sheets; KR's Capricorn planets fall in Pam's 8th house: sex, passion, and jealousy! Yet they have Sun/Sun, Moon/Moon, and Mercury/Mercury in opposition. This indicates a certain degree of mutual tension that could lead to unproductive stand-offs, if they're not careful. At best this is a teat for both to learn compromise and awareness of mutual needs. waht helps Pam is KR's earthy stability. This is one thing she needs in a partner, her 7th house ruler is Jupiter in the earth sign Virgo, the sign on her 4th house cusp. Kid better want to learn how to get all helpful and domestic if he wants to keep her.
The high number of joint cardinal planets indicate an active couple that initiate many changes together. What can bind them together is the need for security Cancer and Capricorn both share. Cancer plays MaMa and Capricorn plays Daddy. her Cancer planets like his steady Saturn in Taurus.
KR is the wandering one...besides his Sag planets, his Uranus opposes Pam's Moon in Aries. This stimulates yet unsettles her. She needs to be treated as numero uno, or she'll start some shit.
Yet since he is a Capricorn his marital committment will not be undertaken lightly and even if he cheats he'll try to keep it on the down-low. Pam's Venus in Leo demands to be treated like a goddess, and she can be a bit of a drama queen. her mars in libra thrives on conflict, and sqaures KR's Capricorn planets, yet with Mars in Scorpio KR plays it cool and lets her anger flare up and pass.
KR's Cap planets will also be adverse to giving her a lot of unwarranted attention. This could leave her feeling romatically unfufilled. Additionally,I don't see many strong mutual saturn links (ie, conjunctions), and saturn is the planet of unbreakable ties and longevity, so, given their lifestyles, careers, and past history, I would say this marriage has a just a medium chance to reach the 10 year mark, if they don't learn balance and compromise.
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