Celeb Birthdays: July 24

Actress Anna Paquin is 24. See Anna Paquin's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Actress Rose Byrne is 27. See Rose Byrne's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Über–Leo diva Jennifer Lopez is, by most accounts at least, 37, though some would have us believe she is only turning 36. Read about J.Lo's birthdate controversy and recent pregnancy rumors ~ See Jennifer Lopez's birth chart (Astrotheme, 1969 birthdate)
Laura Leighton of Melrose Place (I still can't deal with Sydney being married to Matt in real life) and Broadway star Kristin Chenoweth are both 38. See Laura Leighton's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) ~ See Kristin Chenoweth's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
A Different World's Kadeem Hardison is 41.
Barry Bonds, who is evidently some sort of professional athlete, is 42.See Barry Bonds' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Shawn Weatherly, former pageant queen and dabbling actress, is 47.
Country singer Pam Tillis is 49.
Polarizing director Gus Van Sant is 54. See Gus Van Sant's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
One of my childhood heroines, Wonder Woman herself, Lynda Carter, is still gorgeous at 55. See Lynda Carter's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Seinfeld's Cosmo Kramer, Michael Richards, is 57.
Airplane actor Robert Hays is 59.
Inexplicable beret-wearing, watermelon-smashing comedian Gallagher is 60.
Actor Chris Sarandon is 64.
An excellent specimen of Hey! It's That Guy!hood, Dan Hedaya, is 66. See Dan Hedaya's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Comedienne Ruth Buzzi, who is apparently still alive, is 70. See Ruth Buzzi's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Birth dates from IMDB.com. Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.
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what happen to jessica simpsons bday forecast
KittyTaurus,I think I MAY have rectified Jennifer's birthtime, if you want to take a look at this:
July 24 1969
Bronx NY
10:15 or 10:20 PM
This gives her an ascendant between 16-18 Pisces and a MC around 23 Sagittarius. I have the Moon at 5 Sagittarius. I know you think she has the Moon in Scorpio, and thus a day birth, but my estimated time puts Pluto in a powerful to her rectified angles.
Notice the active 7th house with Pluto 23 Virgo sqauring the MC. The nodal axis 22 Virgo/Pisces squares the MC/IC axis w/Pluto conjunct the south node. This measurement alone can indicate the endings or separations in her married life, and we have seen several of these in the last decade. Yet the close aspect between Pluto and Midheaven points to the great success and power she's attained in her career, and the fact that she is often considered a diva control freak.
Jupiter conjoins Uranus 0-1 Libra conjoining the 0 Aries point. Jupiter/Uranus = Aries can indicate massive media attention, in the 7th, its for her relationships. Jupiter in Libra is the traditional ruler of the Pisces asc. and ruler of Sagittarius MC.
I checked 2 events and 2 marriages to check the time and discovered some encouraging confirmations.
Taking the BT of July 24, 1969
10:15 PM
"In Living Color" was first aired on July 2nd 1990.
When the show premiered Jennifer had just entered a progressed New Moon, the beginning of a 28 year cycle of development, in other words this basic progression indicated that she was planting the seed of her entertainment/media career at this time. Her prog. Sun was at 22 Leo trine the rectified MC 23 Sagittarius. Meanwhile, her prog. ASC was 24 Leo, completing a progressed grand trine involving the career point.
In July 1990, Solar Arc directed Mars at 23 Sagittarius conjoined the career point MC of 23 Sagittarius.
Mars= MC "ego awareness, action, fire, change of status" from Tyl "Prediction in Astrology".
Since the natal chart has the planetary picture MC= Pluto/Node which Noel Tyl describes as
"associations with others the sine qua non of success"
If the 10:15 PM time is right,then the above midpoint theme is one Jennifer will exhibit through her entire career.
the directed Mars = n. MC = Pluto/Node: "force, persuasion,excessive effort" i.e. that it took to become a Fly Girl.
(ever wonder why Jennifer and Rosie Perez don't hang???)
"Selena" released March 21st 1997 during the eclipse season of that year. The solar eclipse of March 9 1997 was 19 Pisces conj. the ASC 16-18 Pisces. The role of Selina forever changed her identity and was what really launched her movie career. Speaking of the movies, the major Solar Arc measurement Jen was running in 1997 was directed Neptune=MC, which Tyl gives as "one indicationof success in the arts." I thought she literally channelled Selena's soul (Neptune) in that film: D. Neptune=n.Pluto, fo rtis Tyl gives "...other realms seem to be involved in life occurences, the supernatural, creative enterprise"
Voodoo anyone? Since Jennifer's progressed Moon was then at 10 Sagittarius, she was also in the progressed Lunar return which in synchronous with the saturn return.
On Sept 16 1997 the Lunar Eclipse (emotional endings) fell in her 1st house opposite at 24 Pisces opposite the 7th house Pluto and square the rectified MC/IC axis. She divorced her first husband the following January 1998.
There's a lot more, but another thing that convinced me that I had a good time was when I saw Marc Anthony's (Sept 16 1968, NY, NY) planets in JLo's wheel. His Virgo/Libra stellium completely occipies her 7th house, with his Jupiter in Virgo conj. her DSC! Also when she married him on June 5 2004, the transit Sun was 14 Gemini conj. JLo's Part of Marriage at the very same degree. This part was also transited by the Saturn/Pluto opposition of 2001 when Jen married Chris Judd.
With transit Pluto now moving through Jennifer's 10th house square her n.Pluto in the 7th, don't you notice how the her post-marriage public image has been changing... from the living large image she projected at the height of "Bennifer" to the more conventional, married lady figure she cuts now?
very interesting! sorry i havent had a chance to really go over this till now. I dig what you are saying about the strong Pluto theme... but I have to say it is hard for me to see J.Lo having her Moon and all 4 angles mutable. True, she has definitely changed and stepped out of the spotlight with her latest marriage, but there is such an iron core to her that the Pisces Asc/Sag Moon just doesn't quite click to me. Did you have a source for this timeframe or were you working back from events to rectify? I am curious about the time Astrotheme has on file for her, I wish they gave sources for their birth times. Anyway, thank you so much for your insights!! :D
PS. re: jessica simpson - doh, my vacation is what happened!! it is on the list.. i promise, i promise...
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