Please Help Me Investigate the Halle Berry Pregnancy Rumors!

Calling all astrologers! Does anyone have confirmed or at least sourced birth data for the lovely Halle Berry? These pictures of her would seem to suggest she is pregnant, and I would love to take a peep at her chart. But—so maddening!—there are a number of birth times floating around the Interwebs. (There's even some discrepancy about the year, with a few sources saying 1968, but Halle has talked a lot recently about turning 40 soon, and as I stated in the case of J.Lo, it's highly unusual for an actress to add years to her age.)
According to most sources, Halle Maria Berry was born on August 14, 1966 in Cleveland, Ohio. Astrotheme says she entered the world at 12:00 PM, which is suspect since that is their default chart time. puts her arrival at 9:03 PM while says 11:59 PM. No sources are given for any of the three birth times. Does anyone know which, if any, of these is correct?
Your help is much appreciated, dear readers! Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: As some commenters have pointed out, subsequent pictures of Halle do not seem to show a bump. Hmmm.... {Source}
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Labels: Celebrity Pregnancy, Halle Berry
Hey KittyTaurus,
It's reader T. I took a good look at the "pregnancy photos", and I would say it's more of a weight gain. The utereus is below the belly button, so her abdomen would pop-out more below the navel. She appears to be carrying a roll around her upper waist. Looks more like she is bloated. Just my .02 cents.
I'm not an astrologer, but here's what my intuition is saying...
Halle Berry is not pregnant or at least to the best of my knowledge at the present time--can you say Photoshop?
Is this like the PG rumors w/Ealy from last year or the photos at Cannes that someone was trying to pass of as her from May?
Regardless of wishing her the best whenever she has a child, she is not pregnant looking a little bloated or gained a little weight--that's how rumors get started . I will believe it when she confirms it.
Saw the original photos several days ago on (not sure what the current page is now) of her in similar pictures with the caption that she's put on a little weight nothing more nothing less.
In recent photos of her on various sites including or (maybe page 5-7, not sure with the photos of her from last month being re-circulated as pointed out to me by of her surveying her building site and her in Miami with Aubry doing golf and dinner) showing her in Tokyo on the 13th-14th for the X3 premiere, she didn't look pregnant in the press conference photos in tight jeans or the sleek tight fitting dress and new hairdo or wig--check the photos. As well as other photos of them from the same week and earlier in the month/last month.
Looks like a false alarm, huh? More new photos of Halle on of her wearing an open white top w/orange bikini top and beige khaki shorts and a very flat stomach running from the papps. No visible baby bump.
very interesting - sharp eyes, all! i've never been preggers so I'm definitely no expert on judging a bump by sight. (photos can be so deceiving anyway... remember the Reese Witherspoon drama!) I do know that Halle had said she really wanted to be a mom by 40 so it would be nice timing for her to announce a pregnancy around her 40th... I really hope she does get a child this year if that is what she wants, she deserves some happiness!!! I always feel a little sad for her b.c she is the most gorgeous woman in the world and she does not seem to value herself enough. Maybe I should look at those various birth times and see where they place Venus. A 12th house Venus would explain some of the self-destructive relationships she has found herself in.
Anyway, I digress... whether it's a baby or bloat, we should all look so good. I wish my body looked like that when I am bloated!!
Per Astrodatabank (I have the full software) her birth time is 11:59 pm siting from an interview she gave in Ladies Home Journal in November 2003. Gives her a Taurus Asc.
Update to come...
Looks to me like she had a few too many beers and didn't do enough sit-ups. Although that's hard to imagine with a woman like Halle. Have we ever seen her let herself go (even a little bit???) before? Speaking as someone who didn't tell anyone she was pregnant until she was 5 months along (and very few people guessed either!), I'd say ... the conundrum continues!
Hey Kitty and Pluto...
Are you sure about her time of birth, and her Asc sign being Taurus? If memory serves, she has a natal chart floating around somewhere on the net which I saw months ago, and I don't think she has any planets in Taurus, most of her planets I think are in water, fire and some air signs. Sorry, I don't have the link.
Hey Kitty Taurus (and Pluto),
Talked with one of my Leo friends who's birthday is July 27th with her rising sign being in Taurus. Don't have an empheris in front of me, but I don't think Halle's rising sign is Taurus which 19 days later than my friends. Can this be possible? Will try to email you.
I think you're confused about what a rising sign is. It has to do with the time of birth, not the date, hence my obsession with accurate birth times.
The rising sign is the sign that was on the horizon when a person was born. So if you were born at sunrise you will have the same rising sign as your Sun sign and if you were born at sunset your rising sign will be opposite your SUn sign. In the course of a 24-hour day, as the earth rotates, it cycles through all 12 rising signs. The time of day that a sign comes to the Ascendant gradually changes but your friend was probably born within an hour or so of midnight if she has Taurus rising since the Taurus Ascendant for Halle is based on an 11:59PM birth time. I hope this explains rising signs in a nutshell.. more info about the basic building blocks and terminology of astrology is coming soon to CelebAstroBlogy!
Thanks for your reply. Understand that the rising sign is associated with the time of birth and not the date. I guess I may not have worded it right, other than I think my friend may have been born not in the same year as Halle can two people of the same sign (Leo) July 27 and August 14th have the same sign depending on their time of birth? Can find out my friends time of birth. I was just adding what she said about her rising sign, she's in to astrology too.
Am still looking for the link of some site/s that have Halle's time of birth on her natal chart as some thing other than what you have listed making Taurus her rising sign. She may have some characteristics of having a Taurus rising sign which is possible. Anyway, if I find the link/s, will send them.
Not really disputing your findings I just remember reading in more than one place about her having a different time of birth and no Taurus or other earth signs in her chart. I know some sources are probably more accurate than others. No hard feelings.
def, let me know if you do find some other birth time info for Halle, but i think perhaps the way you are comparing her chart to your friend's is a bit like apples and oranges. this gets kinda technical so maybe i didnt explain well in my last post that each rising sign is on the ascendant for about 2 hours a day (since all 12 are cycled through in a day). Just as the time of sunset and sunrise shifts from day to day, so does the time that each sign comes to the Ascendant.
I ballparked your friend's birth time as close to midnight if she has a Leo Sun and Taurus Asc, but ultimately whatever her birth time (or year) is, it is not really applicable as a reference point to determining Halle's Ascendant. If Halle was born at 11:59 PM, calculations show that she has a Taurus Ascendant. The only way she would have a different Ascendant is if that birth time is incorrect.
If you read through the comments above you'll see that reader Pluto kindly passed along the 11:59PM birth time sourced from an interview with Halle. So that's why I chose to go with that birth time over others that have been reported, because it had a definite source and was direct from Halle herself. If something more solid came up with a different birth time, say, a birth certificate, it would definitely override that (unless there was some reason to believe the document was suspect). If you come across other birth times with a reliable sounding source I would be happy to consider them.
Hi again Kitty,
Appreciate your comments. I am as curious as you are. Have emailed my friend as to her tob. The only reason I was asking about Halle's rising sign was that some sources have it listed as Libra or some other sign regardless of my friend's info.
Am familiar with the site and few others which list her tob as what you and Pluto have noted.
May try to send Halle an email at her site. Anyway, will stay in touch. Looking forward to your further info.
For me I know my Sun is Cancer. TOB 2:07 pm with a Scorpio rising sign and Libra moon sign.
From has Halle's time of birth as 9:03 pm so I don't know if that ends Anonymous's debate.
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