Dehydration Deja Vu for Lindsay Lohan

Okay, I know I'm slightly behind the ball on the reportage here, but when I read that Lindsay Lohan had collapsed on-set and been rushed to the hospital suffering from that celebrity scourge, dehydration {Source}, I began to wonder if the Mercury retrograde had somehow caused the Interwebs to regurgitate an old news item as if it were fresh. Why, as early as February, I was reporting on Lindsay's world hospital tour. But it would seem that this is indeed new news, with my gossip god Ted Casablanca contributing (in one of his razor-sharp-clawedest columns ever-ever-ever, OMFG ) the juicy details that:
"Perhaps this dehydration had something to do with her Tuesday late-night jaunt to Guy's for karaoke night. L.L. was snapped leavin' Guy's around 2 ayem, and reported on set for her cinematic duty just 30 minutes later. At 4 ayem, just an hour and a half into filming, the "heat" (aren't nights relatively cool?) became too much for delicate Linds to time.
Never fear, though. After some R&R at beach beau Harry Morton's pad, our tireless trooper was back in action that night, hittin' Il Sole for din and Chateau after." {Source}
How ironic that Lindsay's problems managing her water-sign planets would lead to dehydration! Clearly, she has failed to heed my warnings, continuing to overindulge. This latest episode comes as excessive Jupiter and erratic, accident-prone Uranus trine her Cancer Sun, while sensual, gratification-oriented Venus conjuncts the Sun. ~ See Lindsay Lohan's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) Once again, all these self-control-lacking planets in water signs, which likey the drinky, have led Lindsay down a path of self-destructive behavior.
As I mentioned in Linds's birthday forecast, September is set to bring some hard lessons in love when Saturn conjuncts Lindsay's Venus. Now that she has met hottie heirhead Harry Morton and finally established a relationship lasting longer than the time it takes to find her underwear balled up on the bedroom floor, signs point to him breaking her heart once the summer ends. How will La Lohan handle this rejection? Well, considering her current skank spiral started when previous steady Wilmer dumped her, it ain't gonna be pretty, folks. By the time Uranus stations in a near-exact trine to her Sun on November 20, Lindsay could be challenging Whitney Houston's candidacy for mayor of Train Wreck City. If Lindsay ends up in the hospital again around that time, she may not be so lucky as to get out in time for dinner and clubbing. Don't be surprised if Lindsay ends up spending Thanksgiving in rehab.
• Birthday Predictions for Lindsay Lohan: More Trouble Ahead? (4/30/06)
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Warning Signs for Lindsay Lohan (4/30/06)
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Lohan: Intervention Time Again! (4/23/06)
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Lohan's World Hospital Tour (2/1/06)
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She'd better watch out, the exalted Mars in Capricorn, as well as denoting high energy and ambition also signifies LOSS of STATUS due to arrogance and lack of discipline. Planets in exaltation can give a "peerless moment" in the career of those possessing one, but unlike a planet in domicile, it does not MAKE the rules it must obey.
That Mars opposes her Sun in Cancer (as well as showing her violent father) can indicate her bosses literally canning her ass, a threat made palpable by the scathing letter sent by the CEO of the studio producing Georgia Rules. The worst possibility of as Mars in Capricorn type is that in its willfullness it will dig its own grave.
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