Lance Bass Comes Out: Better Late Than Never!

It appears to be Lacking-Gay-Pride Week in Celebrityland. First, my poor, beloved George Michael continued his dangerous downward spiral of low sexual self-esteem. Now, N'Sync's Lance Bass is following in George's closeted-former-teen-idol footsteps and belatedly, sheepishly coming out, in the most knock-me-over-with-a-feather-boa shocking revelation of gayness since Rosie O'Donnell's. {Source} Granted, being hounded by the blogosphere is a lot less embarrassing than being busted for a sex act in a public bathroom like my poor Georgie boy, but still Lance would seem to have been rather agonized over this decision, driven as it was by the taint of rumor.
Mind you, I unequivocally give Lance mad props and much respect for coming out under any circumstances; especially for a Taurus, who fears change and craves material and emotional security, it is a huge feat to risk giving up the validation of fans and family. We Taureans can sometimes be very slow to accept the obvious and adjust accordingly. So I'm not trying to harsh on Lance, really. All I'm saying is that under the surface of this triumphant coming-out story is a fair amount of pain and shame.
Unfortunately there is no birth time on file for Lance. But we can safely say that his Taurus Sun is conjunct Chiron and semisextile Venus. See Lance Bass's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time) Chiron in Taurus can bring body image issues and shame around one's physical being. With the Sun-Chiron conjunction, Lance's personality has always been shadowed by this shame. Likewise, with the chafing semisextile aspect between his Sun (ego) and its ruler, Venus (relationships), Lance struggles awkwardly to integrate his love life with his sense of who he is.
I tend not to believe Lance's claim that he is coming out now because he is "liberated and happy"; rather, it seems more likely that he got to a point where he decided he was more shamed by the constant rumors and taunts that he was not fooling anyone, than he would be by coming out. Transiting Saturn is trining his Venus and squaring his Sun, putting pressure on Lance to step up and admit to the world that he is who he is and loves who he loves. (Depending on his birth time, Saturn could also be passing over Lance's Moon, forcing him to take stock of his deepest feelings.)
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But that's not to say that this experience is a purely negative one for Lance. There is hope and excitement associated with this leap into a new, unknown phase of his life. Forward-looking Jupiter, the planet of growth, is in transformative Scorpio, opposite Lance's Sun. It's as if he has shed his skin and is seeing himself for the first time. While he may have burned some bridges with the revelation of his sexuality (please, as if his picture was ever going to appear in teenege girls' lockers again anyway), he has also embarked on a freeing new path. Unpredictable, unconventional Uranus is sextiling his Sun, creating opportunities for him to go out on a limb an reinvent himself. Who knows—maybe now that he's truly free to express himself, Lance will get a solo career heated up à la Justin Timberlake. I don't know if I'm holding my breath just yet, but I do wish him the best.
Lance, whatever your motives for coming out, I sincerely congratulate you for having the courage to be who you are and acknowledge your relationship with Reichen. This totally makes me respect you more for your openness, honesty and self-awareness, and I hope more closeted stars follow your example. See you in P-town, honey!!!
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Labels: Lance Bass, Reichen Lehmkuhl
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