Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban: Heading for a Wedding or a Breakup?

I mean, just look at these pictures on See, this is what I'm saying. Do they not look bored and sick of each other? But hey, I'm no body language expert, so instead I'll point out that Uranus in Pisces is approaching a square to Nicole's Sagittarius Moon, which means she may be headed for some emotional upheaval -- we're talking a very dramatic change of heart. And Saturn is retrograding over her elevated Jupiter, the ruler of her Sag Moon, stirring up feelings of restlessness and impatience as well as frustration toward areas of her life she was excited and optimistic about. See Nicole Kidman's astrological chart (Astrotheme)
In her birth chart, Nicole has Chiron in the final degree of Pisces squaring her Gemini Sun, suggesting a deep-seated emotional vulnerability, and this is about to be activated when the Sun passes over it early next week. This is a minor flare-up, but it may trigger a period of self-doubt and uncertainty. As March goes on and Mercury retrogrades through Pisces, finally coming to station in a square to Nicole's Moon, she may be rethinking her feelings and beset by insecurities about the relationship. Meanwhile, transiting Saturn is squaring Keith's Sun, so he feels frustrated and ineffective. He would really face an uphill battle to rise to the occasion and prove his passion for her. See Keith Urban's astrological chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Uranus' square to Nicole's Moon becomes exact at the end of April. And with stationary Saturn still putting pressure on her Jupiter around this time, the urge to escape could become overpowering. Will Nic pull a Runaway Bride and flee her commitment to Keith? Or will she make like Renee Zellwegger and actually marry him, only to nullify the nuptials four months later -- in August, when Uranus retrogrades over the square to her Moon? Either way, expect to see some major changes in Nicole's emotional life in the coming months.
UPDATE: More rumblings of Uranian turmoil, plus a possible pregnancy for Nic... note that the Moon also rules motherhood... hmmm... (Original source:; I found it on Oh No They Didn't)
Labels: Celebrity Couples, Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman
If Nicole and Keith were smart, they would get married this weekend while the world's attention is on Brangelina in Italy. Actually, if any celebrity was smart, they would do anything outrageous they ever wanted to do this weekend while the world's attention is on Brangelina in Italy.
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