Astrology and the Anna Nicole Saga, Part I: Daniel Smith's Birth Chart

There is so much mystery surrounding the death of Daniel Smith, son of Anna Nicole, that a look at his astrological chart seemed in order. Of course, one post is not possibly enough to analyze all the nutty-cuckoo dynamics at play, but here is a brief look at Daniel's birth chart and the transits surrounding his death.
See Daniel Smith's birth chart (Exclusive to; no birth time)
On the date of his death, September 10, 2006, transiting retrograde Chiron, the "wounded healer," was approaching a conjunction to Daniel's Sun-Venus in Aquarius and squaring his Nodes. Perhaps this describes the fact that the drugs found in Daniel's system, which eventually killed him—methadone and antidepressants—were intended to treat him rather than poison him.
Without knowing his birth time, it's not possible to say for sure, but I wonder if Daniel's Gemini Moon (representing the emotions and the mother) might be at or around 17-18°... since drugs were involved with his death, it would not be a surprise to see an aspect from transiting Neptune to the Moon. The Moon also represents one's perception of the mother, so a Neptune aspect could perhaps describe his mother's role in facilitating his addictive or self-medicating behavior.
This may sound like a copout, but without a birth time, this horoscope leaves a lot of unanswered questions about what was going on for Daniel at the time of his untimely demise. Again, there is much more to this story, so stay tuned for further astrological revelations. If anyone comes across birth times for Daniel, Anna, or baby sister Daniellynne, please share!
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Labels: Anna Nicole Smith, Daniel Smith, Howard K. Stern
They put up the daughters birth certificate, but it doesn't list a time. :( I have a possible date for Larry Birkhead of 01/22/73. Wouldn't that be ironic.
thANKS! i will be posting on the daughter's chart soon. Saturn-Neptune opposition describes the paternity mystery perfectly.
Great web site! Thanks for the insight. Now, dig this: It's not only ironic that Larry Birkhead and Anna's son Daniel were born on Jan 23, 1973 and January 22, 1986 respectively, but J. Howard Marshall was born on Jan 24, 1905. Moreover, Anna Nicole and Howard K. Stern were born on Nov 28, 1967 and Nov 29, 1968 -- only one year apart. Then, there's the information that baby Dannielynn's birth date, Sep 7, 2006, is exactly 12 years to the day following Anna Nicole's marriage to J. Howard Marshall. Really? Talk about coincidence! If all this is true, karma certainly seems to be speaking loudly by way of these dates.
P.S. One more thought. . . With all the recent information coming through about the relationship between "Crystal Children" and the increase in autism on the planet, there's a 1 in 150 chance that Dannielynn may be autistic (aka: "Crystal"). Any insight into that possibility in her chart?
In addition to the birthdates of Anna and Howard, Daniel, Larry and Howard Marshall, Vergie and Annas father seem to have the same birthdate, July 12. Talk about KARMA!!!
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