Site Update: All Existence Is Still Suffering

Dearest readers,
Although I rolled out of bed and turned on the wildly quality-of-life-elevating Radio Nigel to hear a live version of the Stranglers' "Always the Sun," this cosmic omen was a red herring for two reasons. One: As my partner in crime MQ has astutely pointed out, nature abhors a live version; and two, there is not always the sun. Tomorrow morning, in fact, it will be eclipsed by the moon in the final degree of Virgo, which should make everyone just a little bit loony.
Anyhoo, you may have noticed that CelebAstroBlogy updates have continued to be spotty as of late while I wade through the vale of tears that has been my life since the eclipse in Pisces fell directly on my Venus two weeks ago. If anyone lives in the NYC area and wishes to buy me several beers, I will be happy to tell you about it, but suffice to say: Big wheel keeps on turning; Shiva, lord of creation and destruction, keeps on burning... yadda, yadda, yadda, I thought it would be best to make a fresh start with CelebAstroBlogy updates after this pair of eclipses has safely passed. This one will form a square to my 29° Gemini Ascendant and out-of-sign square to my Saturn-Mars at 0° Cancer, so please wish me well. Stay tuned for posts resuming Saturday, including a birth reading for Britney's baby!
Update: Please note that I am being overwrought and melodramatic, as is my wont. Nothing really tragic or traumatic has happened to me, I have just been deluged with distractions and technical difficulties. Those who know me are aware that I use the phrase "vale of tears" to describe such experiences as smudging my manicure the second I stick my hands under the blowy hoocher. I apologize for alarming anyone unnecessarily.
Sorry to hear it's been hard. The lunar eclipse fell right on my Sun, and the solar eclipse will be exactly trine my Midheaven, and life has been turbulent, although ultimately in a good way.
I have missed your posts, wondered what was up.
Yeah, Your updates have been slow lately. It's ok. Good luck with everything.
Look forward to your post on Britney's new boy Sutton. :)
Kitty T,
Sorry to hear about all your turmoil. Sending good vibes your way.
Miss your posts. Hope you get through the Solar Eclipse ok.
Good Luck,
Reader T
Hope things get better for you. It seems that lunar eclipse hit lots hard, me included.
On another note, as you predicted, La Lohan was dumped. Here's a link:
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