CelebAstroBlogy 2006 Emmy Forecast: Best Actor - Drama
count down to the Emmy ceremony with the fourth and final forecast for the major
acting categories. Gentle readers, I'm not gonna lie: I'm kinda burnt from running
20 comparison charts in two days, and we're pretty down to the wire, so let's
keep this short and (maybe not so) sweet.
And the nominees for Outstanding Actor in a Drama are...
• Peter Krause, Six Feet Under ~ See Peter Krause's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
• Denis Leary, Rescue Me ~ See Denis Leary's birth chart (Astrotheme)
• Christopher Meloni, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ~ See Christopher Meloni's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
• Martin Sheen, The West Wing ~ See Martin Sheen's birth chart (Astrotheme)
• Kiefer Sutherland, 24 ~ See Kiefer Sutherland's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Peter Krause: Uranus on his Saturn/Chiron? Not gonna happen. (I said short and sweet.)
Denis Leary: Ooh, liking this a lot (and not just 'cause I'm biased 'cause he was born in Wistah, Mass., like my mom). Jupiter, which is on the Midheaven of the Emmy's chart, is conjunct his Mars/Midheaven. The Ascendant of the Emmys chart conjuncts Denis's from the 12th... could this be a stealth come-from-behind win? Furthermore, the transiting Venus-Saturn conjunction falls on Denis' Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Leo, suggesting that he could receive an honorific and show off with one hell of a speech.
Christopher Meloni: Much as I love SVU, I don't see this happening for him with Chiron retrograding toward his Jupiter and Saturn-Venus approaching his Uranus, and not much in the way of positive aspects.
Martin Sheen: I'm sorry, I loved the man in Apocalypse Now, and I forgive him for bringing Charlie into the world and evidently somehow inculcating him with a deeply distorted idea of masculinity, but just thinking about The West Wing bores me to tears. The Venus-Saturn conjunction on Martin's Sun-Moon-Mars stellium in Leo could be a much more positive sign if it were in the 10th house of career (currently it straddles the Descendant) and/or did not square Martin's natal Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, hinting at professional frustration or the quashing of hopes.
Like Denis Leary, Kiefer Sutherland, whom I've thought was a hottie since The Lost Boys, or no, wait, Stand by Me, has the Jupiter-Midheaven of the Emmys chart conjuncting his own Midheaven from the 9th house. While this bodes well, it mars the picture slightly that Jupiter is also on Kiefer's South Node, kind of a karmic pothole in the chart. Furthermore, Kiefer has Mars on his Uranus/Pluto, while Pluto creeps toward his Sun, which makes me concerned that, even more than Lisa Kudrow, he is liable to go on a bender following a loss, and indeed fly into a straight-up drunken rage.
Forecast: Oh, so you thought the graphic was a reflection of my predition of the winner? Think again: It merely depicts whoever I think is the cutest to look at in any given category. (I'm not saying I like Debra Messing as a person, I just like her look. Whatever. Don't judge me.) In this case, while my teenage vampire boyfriend Kiefer has that Jupiter on the Midheaven going for him, my fellow Masshole Denis sees his Jupiter-Midheaven and raises him a Mars. Winner: Denis Leary
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