Update: Reichen Refuses a Birth Chart Reading

Well, gentle readers, I've been holding off on reporting this just in case a certain celebrity had a change of heart, but I think the time has come to accept that, in spite of my valiant effort to establish constructive astrological communication, Reichen Lehmkul thinks I am the scum of the earth (and perhaps the entire solar system). After Reichen, best known as a reality star and Lance Bass's hunky boyfriend, posted a response to my reading of his birth chart on Myspace, I messaged him (ooh, did I tell you guys that CelebAstroBlogy has a Myspace now? Please befriend it!) with what I thought was a kind, respectful offer:
Hi Reichen,
I read your blog entry and I am pretty sure you were referring to my reading of your astrology chart on my celebrity astrology blog. Honestly, I am thrilled and honored that you read it in the first place! But I'm sorry if I offended you or if you feel I jumped to conclusions. I was describing what I observed in the chart but my intention was not to be hurtful. I took another look at your chart and wrote a post conceding some of your points about being good in groups... although I do still think you have some issues with control! That military discipline is instilled pretty deep...
Check it out if you are interested: http://celebastroblogy.com/2006/08/reichen-issues-rebuttal-to-my-reading.html
As I said in my post, I would also love for you to email me your time of birth if you know it, and I would be happy to do a complete reading for you. In all fairness I cannot give a full picture of your personality without the birth time and that might really shift the focus of the whole picture. Feel free to message me back on myspace or you can email me at kitty@media-darling.com. I would be glad to give you a serious and sincere consultation and hopefully offer some insights on what is presumably a lot going on in your life. Jupiter and Saturn are forming a T-square with your natal Venus-Jupiter so there are some amazing opportunities both personally and professionally but a lot of pressure and challenge as well. But you Capricorns sure like a good challenge!
All my best to you and Lance (I would be more than happy to do his complete chart as well if he would like to send his birth time). Be well and I hope to hear from you soon!
Namaste ~
Well, Reichen was none too pleased with this. Here's his response:
Your reading of me was gossipy, attacking, fabricated, and most of all disgusting. You are no better than the tabs who have misrepresented many of us in this recent outing of our private lives. Planting seeds in people's heads of my integrity or worth and that Lance or I should leave one another...stirring reason for rumors of our not being compatible or not getting along. Thanks for all your help. No, you can't have my "birth time".
I replied explaining that hateration was not my intention and that I was only offering astrological perspective on a much-spread rumor about a highly public couple, not "planting seeds" ... but alas, almost two weeks have gone by and Reichen has not responded. The door is always open should he and/or Lance have a change of heart, but for now I am sorry to say that Reichen's Ascendant and Moon sign must remain as much a mystery as the identity of the ancient civilization that really built Egypt's Sphinx. Although I can't say the tone of his message exactly shattered my perception of him as a tightly wound Capricorn....
Still, this is a rite of passage of sorts for CelebAstroBlogy—a blog mitzvah, if you will. Now that a celebrity hates me, I feel I am truly part of The Media!
Issues a Rebuttal to My Reading! (8/13/06)
and Reichen: Will It Last? (7/31/06)
Bass Comes Out: Better Late Than Never! (7/26/06)
Find more web pages about: Reichen Lehmkuhl ~ Lance Bass Astrology ~ Celebs ~ Celebrity ~ Celebrities
Labels: Lance Bass, Reichen Lehmkuhl
Hiya KittyTaurus,
I'm sad that you didn't get a better response from Reichen, but I can't say I'm surprised. I have always felt hinky about reading people's charts without being asked to. I did that once for a friend's teenage daughter, as a gift. I put myself in the daughter's shoes and realized I would be so creeped out by the surprise gift of a tape recording of some stranger claiming insight to my psyche. And I decided, never again. It kind of feels like going through someone else's underwear drawer when they're not home. I <3 your blogy dearly and love to read what you have to say. But I have to say in RL's shoes I would have felt pretty invaded too.
Having said that, I was recently asked for some commentary on a local scumbag politician and I did agree to dish on him a little. But your post really made me think about it. So I appreciate you posting the response you received, disappointing as it must have been. Thank you for that.
Thanks for your support and feedback! Your point is well taken, although I think that in astrology as in all press coverage, there are different standards for public figures vs. private individuals. If Reichen was supportive of Lance announcing their relationship on the cover of People magazine then I think he is trying to have it both ways by not wanting public speculation on the relationship. Similarly with your politician - once you run for office you make a decision to live your life in the public eye and have your private life be judged. Of course I think everyone should follow their own ethical guidelines in practicing astrology but for me I would not feel that it is a violation to look at someone's chart if they are a public figure. But yeah, in my private life I try not to offer people unsolicited advice, astrological or otherwise :)
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