Celeb Birthdays: August 20

Today is a BANNER DAY for birthdays, people! Without further ado....
Whoa, I totally owe actress Amy Adams a huge apology as well as retroactive admiration. When she got nominated for a Best Supporting Actress Oscar this past year, I was all like "Whatever, who the hell is that nobody?" And now I come to find out that she was Tara's bitchy cousin on Season 5 of Buffy, and guest-starred on not one but three episodes of The Office as the cute girl who dated Jim. OMG, anyone who has appeared on two of my favorite shows instantly wins my fandom! Team Amy Adams all the way! And hang on, fellow Buffy buffs, because that's not even the most exciting birthday of the day, by far (see hint at left)....
tool n. 1. A device, such as a saw, used to perform or facilitate manual or mechanical work. 2. Something regarded as necessary to the carrying out of one's occupation or profession. 3. Vulgar slang: A penis. 4. A genus of douchebag personified by Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst, 36 today. See Fred Durst's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
At the opposite end of the coolness spectrum from the Durstster, we find a beyond-beloved Buffy birthday boy. A bloody happy 44th (!) birthday to James Marsters, a.k.a. William the Bloody, a.k.a. Spike! I received a compelling plea from reader T. for a b-day reading, citing his "British accent, blonde hair, cheek bones that could cut glass, and totally ripped abs. I also appreciate how willing he was to go almost naked for Season 6." I could not have put it better myself, except to add that when Buffy and Spike go at it until the building falls down is one of the HOTTEST sex scenes ever committed to film. (I don't care what you say, MQ—SEASON 6 RULES!) Anyhoo, James has an out-of-sign Sun-Uranus conjunction, with Uranus in turn conjunct Pluto, which may account for his edgy, rebellious persona. The exact Jupiter-Chiron opposition to Pluto is interesting, with its suggestion of cathartic healing, transformation and rebirth (mirroring, perhaps, Spike's own growth path?). There's no birth time on file (sigh), so James could either have an Aries or a Taurus Moon. I can't help but guess Scorpio rising, though I am aware that Mr. Marsters is not, in actuality, an undead person, he just plays one on TV. See James Marsters' birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Hip-hop great KRS-One is 41.
Director David O. Russell is 48. See David O. Russell's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Actress Joan Allen is 50 today. I hope she indulges in some birthday cake, because a woman as talented as Joan does not deserve to be fast approaching bobblehead-dom, as she appears to be. See Joan Allen's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Annoying stomach-stapled weatherman Al Roker turns 52 today, as does actress and victim's advocate Theresa Saldana.
Woman! The hottest man and biggest rock god on earth circa 1977, Robert Plant, turns 57 today. See Robert Plant's birth chart (Astrotheme)
Newswoman-ish Connie Chung is 60. See Connie Chung's birth chart (Astrotheme, no birth time)
Singer-actor-Scientologist Isaac Hayes turns 64 today. My astro-colleague Nick Dagan has written an excellent astrological analysis of his leaving South Park. See Isaac Hayes' birth chart (Astrotheme)
Birth dates from IMDB.com. Please email me any corrections, additions or—especially appreciated!—exact birth times.
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