Reichen Issues a Rebuttal to My Reading!

At last, the day I have long awaited has come, and CelebAstroBlogy has broken through the fourth wall of the blogosphere to collide with the celebrosphere itself! Lance Bass's boyfriend Reichen Lehkmuhl just posted an entry on his Myspace blog "debunking" various "myths" about himself. And I am not even exaggerating when I say he directly responded to one of my posts. Here's what Reichen had to say (emphasis mine):
" "Reichen likes to control everything" (?????)
This one came from an astrologer somewhere on the internet!! Again, far from reality. I definitely like order because of my days in the military and I love being organized. But control freaks that I know like to handle everything on their own. They don't want anyone leading the way to complete something other than themselves. This is so far from my personality. I like to work in teams and I like for everyone on the team to understand each other. I love being in a relationship for the very reason that I don't enjoy being only on my own. I've done it...and I can handle it...but I don't enjoy it as much as being in a relationship where responsibilities are shared. I prefer to do things with a partner and to compromise with them so that, together, we're happy with everything that's happening. Two or more minds are better than one on most any decision. Listening to your partner and making compromises are virtues for successful relationships." {Source}
OMG, he actually read my analysis of his birth chart! Seriously, this is not like when I convinced myself that I could bring Paul McCartney and Olivia Newton-John together through the power of the Internet—this is the real deal. I mean, what other celebrity astrologer could he be referring to? My exact words were:
"With his driven, ambitious Capricorn Sun in a cardinal T-square with its ruler, authoritative Saturn, and power-hungry Pluto, Reichen definitely feels an almost inexorable pull toward success and may well be willing to use force to get it. This T-square definitely suggests the "controlling ways" referred to in the [New York] Post, to put it very mildly. Reichen is pretty much a control freak, and given his Mars in Taurus' sextile to Saturn and out-of-sign opposition to Uranus in late Libra, he may have quite the explosive temper if he doesn't get his way." {Source} See Reichen Lehmkuhl's birth chart ~ Exclusive to; no birth time
This is my total dream come true! A celebrity, even a self-proclaimed "Z-list" one like Reichen, has actually read my reading of him! And since Reichen took the time to respond, I took another look at his chart and I will concede some of his points. Yes, with that Venus-Jupiter conjunction in social, group-oriented Aquarius (and possibly the Moon there as well, depending on his birth time), Reichen does feel comfortable being part of a team and sharing with a whole group. With Venus in Aquarius, he is very open to people, has a lot of friends and genuinely believes in the equality and brotherhood of all people. "Understanding" is one of the Aquarius keywords, so he is sincere in saying he wants everyone in a group to understand each other.
But at the same time with an Aquarius Venus, he tends to keep all those people at arm's length, observing them with a detached eye almost as if he were performing a sociological experiment. And with that Capricorn love of military-caliber order and discipline, Reichen may, whether he realizes it or not, naturally assume a leadership role in those groups. All his Capricorn-Aquarius emphasis indeed makes him good at compromise, as far as rationalizing, verbalizing and making a logical case for one's emotions is concerned. Yet given his Sun's trine to stubborn Mars in Taurus, I would not be surprised if Reichen's idea of reaching a compromise is getting everyone on board with him getting his way.
In all fairness, though, I cannot do a complete astrological profile without knowing Reichen's exact birth time, especially since his Moon sign is in doubt between Capricorn and Aquarius and could tip the scale toward the military-discipline side or the socially-progressive side of his personality. Plus, he could have a rising sign that really softens his personality, say, a Cancer Ascendant with the Sun in the compromise-oriented 7th house of partnership.
Reichen, if you are reading this, please email me your birth time and I will be happy to give you a complete consultation, which I promise will be supportive and kind. I'm not out to trash anybody, and I genuinely want you and Lance to be happy; I would just like to know that your intentions toward him are all genuine! I'm not saying I'll necessarily take back what I said about you being a control freak, but at least I could offer some suggestions about positive use of your Saturn energy to advance your career and motivate others without trying to forcibly impose your will on them. Just remember, honey, you're not in the military anymore, and sometimes it's healthy to let a little disorder into your life.
Hope to hear from you, Reichen, and thanks for the shoutout!!!
Related: Lance
and Reichen: Will It Last? (7/31/06)
Bass Comes Out: Better Late Than Never! (7/26/06)
Find more web pages about: Reichen Lehmkuhl ~ Astrology ~ Celebs ~ Celebrity ~ Celebrities
Labels: Lance Bass, Reichen Lehmkuhl
All very intresting. I would love to see a dynamic reading if anyone would allow you to publish more of the back and forth in a reading. So fascinating!
Well, congrats, Kitty. You're such a hoot to read -- notice I didn't say hooter. And from a Poughkeepsie girl at that. Gives this former Beacon boy hope.
Blog on!
My birthdate is 1-1-74, so my chart has many similarities to his. If he says he's not a control freak, then he's like me, in that he's trying to overcome his nature somewhat, and more...positive thinking than actuality (although, like you say, Cap and Aquarius can be very different, so we have both aspects in our personalities). I find that I think my controlling nature is gone, and then some random thing will happen, like family coming to visit, and I'm reminded it's not gone. My asc is Virgo, btw.
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