Paul McCartney and Olivia Newton-John Belong Together!

Forgive me if I sound a bit loony on this one, gentle readers, but Uranus has been retrograding over my Venus/Jupiter in Pisces and I am experiencing a strange sense of universal love and oneness emanating from the Internet. In that spirit, I got to thinking: If the blogosphere could bring down Trent Lott and prompt an overhaul of the script of Snakes on a Plane, maybe—just maybe—it could use its zeitgeistastic postmodern power to manifest my second dearest celebrity coupling wish (after my own marriage to Matt Dillon): the blessed union of Sir Paul McCartney and Miss Olivia Newton-John.
Now, I touched on this genius plan once before, in my discussion of Paul sadly and ironically turning 64 as a single man. But since then, as his divorce proceedings from Heather Mills get uglier and the press reveals her to be progressively skankier, while meanwhile Olivia continues to pine for a two-bit tool who faked his own death to escape alimony payments (perhaps he and Heather should hook up, while we're at it?), I have become more fervently certain that these two rosy-cheeked pop icons profoundly deserve to find happiness in each other's arms.
In my last reading, I said that Olivia (whose birthday is two days after the late Linda McCartney's, though they were born in different years) had her Sun in Paul's 7th house of partnership, but I have since discovered that (grrr) the birth time I was working with for Paul was incorrect. In fact, Paul is Virgo rising with Neptune in the 1st house, describing his dreamy appeal. This places Olivia's Libra Sun in his 1st house in an out-of-sign conjunction with his Neptune, as was Linda's Sun. See Paul McCartney's birth chart (Astrotheme) ~ See Olivia Newton-John's birth chart (Astrotheme) ~ See Linda McCartney's birth chart (Astrotheme) This definitely suggests right off the bat that they might have an attraction.
But that's not all. Look at these romantic connections, people: his Moon on her Venus; their Venuses squaring each other; her sexy Mars in Scorpio opposing his sensual Venus in Taurus and squaring their Moon-Venus conjunction. Let's just say I don't see Paul needing any Viagra in this relationship. Plus, they can totally open up to each other emotionally and encourage each other to grow with her Moon on his Jupiter and his Sun opposite her Jupiter. An out-of-sign square between her Mercury and his Mars sparks lively conversation and healthy debate. Okay, her Uranus on his Sun might shake things up a little, but maybe that's not such a bad thing, as long as all those fixed-sign Venus connections are establishing a firm bond between them.
These two are so clearly perfect for each other. At first I was wondering where they would live, but then I saw that Olivia was even born in the UK, just like Paul. (BTW, has anyone noticed that no "Australian" celebrities were actually born in Australia? Nicole Kidman, Mel Gibson... I'm beginning to think this whole "Australia" place was just concocted by some agent as an excuse for a lovable-accent gimmick. But I digress....) And I'm sure that Stella, having come of age in the era of Xanadu and all its magical-legwarmer glory, would take far more kindly to this new stepmother. See, it all falls into place!
So this is what I'm proposing, people. We need to gather the collective psychic energy of the Interwebs—yes, all of them—to get this couple together. If you are in the music industry and can set up a meeting, make it happen! If you are in one (or both) of their fan clubs, start a letter-writing movement! Surely through the cosmic vibrations of the blogosphere, we can manifest this intention. Start chanting this mantra now: Paul + Olivia 4-EVA!!!!!!!
P.S. If anyone would also like to help manifest my marriage to Matt Dillon, I will be happy to invite you to the wedding. Thanks in advance!
A Bittersweet 64th Birthday for Paul McCartney (6/18/06)
Paul McCartney: Turning 64 and Single (5/21/06)
Find more web pages about: Paul McCartney ~ Olivia Newton-John ~ Astrology ~ Celebs ~ Celebrity ~ Celebrities
Labels: Celebrity Couples, Paul McCartney
LOL Interesting idea. Olivia and Paul. I like it.
But I’m hoping for a Britney/Justin reunion first. ;)
I would like your idea, because I love Olivia, but she is second in line behind me. I have been in love with Paul since I was 15. During this 20 years I have had odd premonitions about many things in Paul's life. Among other events I predicted Stella's stardom, Linda's early death (and even the mode, before she was actually diagnosed with breast cancer) and his rebound marriage to a much younger woman who slightly resembled a young Linda (enter Heather.) I also predicted the split. Now I am trying to predict him meeting me!!! I'll reel him in with a nice, animal-friendly gourmet macrobiotic meal and the rest will be history!!!
Paul McCartney and Olivia Newton-John would make a great match for reasons other than Astrology.
They have so much in common:
- Both are from the same generation
- Both are singers and love music
- Both are vegetarians
- Both love the outdoors
- Both are activists for animal rights and environmental causes.
- Both have been through divorce
- Both have children
- Both have been affected by cancer: Olivia survived it, Paul's mother and Linda didn't. In fact, Olivia even sent Linda a letter of encouragement during her battle with cancer.
Plus, Olivia is rich and famous in her own right, so she doesn't need any of Paul's money.
The only obstacle I see in this potential relationship is geography.
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